Win% for alliance in random bg?

honest opinion its about 40% win rate for alliance

ive been on horde in SL and went back to alliance

alliance have faster que times . much faster compared to horde

  • horde time in que - 20min average 60% win rate
  • ally time in que - 6min-10min average 40% win rate
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I vote against this.

Alliance wins most of the time says my statistic.

I vote against u, u chicken and u will always be one.


This is why you avoid me when i told you to play a duel against me when you said I have nothing to do against you :wink:

U don’t wanna duel me, trust me :smiley:

Yes, I want. :crossed_swords:

Not sure if it is still battlegroup specific, but from what I can tell, the Horde has a winrate of 90% in all BGs, and 100% in AV and Ashran.

Just read the posts over this.

90%? They would like…

the random bg games are better if you que as allie because you wil fight solo players.
while at horde in normal bgs you have a 90% to fight a premade.
for arena is horde at least 100 times better

60:40 for Alliance on normal BGS and 60:40 for Horde on Epics I would say….


Horde wins all epics if not premade :smiley:

Ally just bad in general they need to do premade to win.

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For this reason you stopped playing Bgs? :face_with_peeking_eye:

Definitely good. Queue late at night, there’s loads of fully geared Alliance try hard premades

I stopped becouse shuffle is better honor gain.

As someone who only plays healers, If i hunker down and try really hard i feel like i can make a big difference to random BGs, Especially 10v10 but tbh its all down to gear, Which ever team has the most geared players.

Epic BGs are a whole different story, Lost 11 in a row on my paladin trying to just get 60 conquest for a wepon. Avoid these like the plague

The problem with this question is that everyone is going to give you their personal experience and -overall- it is not relevant enough to answer your question.

There are too many factors to consider in determining whether a BG will be a defeat or a win; for instance:

  • Gear and individual player skill;
  • Team composition and map;
  • Overall team coordination.

These are very important factors and also the reason premades -this expansion in particular- are usually dominant, because you can potentially select 5 skilled/geared players and also chose an overall dominant team composition for random BGs, for example: stacking Druids or Hunters that are versatile classes and will most likely always be good for random BGs, no matter which map you get in.

However there are also less-obvious factors; there might be:

  • AFK players;
  • Players with bad Computer or bad Network;
  • Players Trolling or non-collaborant;
  • Players that don’t accept the queue-pop and make the team start 9vs10 or worse (especially when they are healers).

And also it depends a lot on which team uses the most consumables and also which team has the overall “best luck” with RNG procs and crits.

And so on…

So yes: if with “viable” you mean “can the Alliance win?” then it obviously is viable; you might get unlucky lose-streaks, but don’t give too much importance to your personal experience as it happens on Horde aswell.

If with “viable” you mean “does the Alliance have ≥50% winrate?” then the answer is “It depends”.
Both Alliance and Horde are played by human beings (and possibly some Bot here and there…), it is not that easy to answer your question.

As cliché as it might sounds: play whatever faction you prefer and don’t get demoralized by players telling you “X faction is trash reroll now!1!1!”; Faction % winrate can change any day and it’s not relevant at all.

I just pop 60 some days ago . I play horde but Im gonna join merc mode for pvp coz i see the ally win a lot :slight_smile: . i hope to get full aspirant in 2 day

But… but… alliance never win!