Win Trading

So when will win trading be a bannable offense in random BG’s? Isnt it per definition win trading if you let someone win?

So writing things like “let them win” should be treated as participating in and encouraging others to participate in win trading.

It only is if it is pre-arranged. Letting the other team win when you have zero chance anyway is not win trading. That’s just common sense. Why waste 15 minutes in a BG you’ll loose anyway, when you can just let them win in 5, and join another BG faster?

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Not wanting to prolong an already unwinnable game isn’t win trading. Wanting to try still win that game is also absolutely fine.

“let them win” is not as bad a Win trading, as it is to sell winns/levels through Partysynk Bg’ing :roll_eyes: Why Blizzard haven’t discovered that this is a thing, and shut off partysynk is beyond me

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