Windfury bugged?

Several games in arena yesterday, I started noticing that my windfury isnt proccing. Then all of a sudden it seems to work just fine. Im of course keeping my windfury imbue on my weapon but even when its on, sometimes a game of 5 minutes and not a single proc, not even during doom winds.

Anyone have this experience or am I doing something obviously wrong here?

It tends to bug when you load into a new instance such as arena or BG. You need to reapply the imbues whenever that happens.

So whenever you zone into arena, just reapply them. Annoying but it is what it is.

I feel your pain, I reapply at the start of every instance now to be safe
It’s a weird bug and I wish they’d fix it!

It has to do with the Doom Winds legendary, as people above suggested make a habbit of always reapplying your imbues when zoning in a new instance.

Its there with frost witch abso

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