Anyone wants to roleplay the Windrunner sister reunion? I know there seems to get nothing to do until Shadowlands so I thought this is a cool idea.
So it will follow the comic book when they reunited. “Three Sisters”
We need three role players for this. (I can be any of the three)
Alleria - Void elf Hunter. Wear any green transmog or even a Green shirt.
Sylvanas - Blood elf Deathknight (be sure to use the dark Ranger toy if you have it. You can get it by completing the dark shore thing.) however, it only lasts 10 minutes. If you don’t have it, it’s fine.
Vereesa - Blood elf Hunter. With the blue eyes coming for blood elves too it makes sense. The only reason I didn’t say Void elf, is because during combat she would turn voidy and that would ruin the rp. Just pretend she is Alliance haha. Wear any blue transmog or even a blue shirt
Before we start we will meet in eversong woods like they did in the comic, take a selfie, then fight our way to the Windrunner spire like the comic.
Should be fun.
Realm: Sylvanas
I believe if you are From the realms Ravencrest. Kazzak, or Silvermoon there is a possibility I can see you.
I know it’s not a Rp realm but I have a capped Void elf there so…
Level: 15 or higher. We can all make new characters and level them up until we are ready.