Winds of Wisdom to retail like in previous years?

Title. Will we be getting Winds of Wisdom xp buff to retail to get alts done before next expansion? This happened before last expansions.

Most people won’t read this far since I already used two sentences and now I am going for third but no, I don’t want to level in remix. I already did remix to get titles and tmogs. And I don’t want to make alts there, it is really badly made content even after all buffs so I would rather play retail than remix.

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Unfortunately I don’t think so.
I think they’re assuming people will level in remix instead.

It’s a shame… because I really disliked remix, the “speed, gogogo” thing in there is really annoying (as it is on retail) but MoP “speed run” is the intent, so yeah…I wish we’d get winds of wisdom.

I might be wrong but I believe it was somewhere said that the prepatch itself is kind of like a winds of wisdom situation. I believe the xp required to level up will decrease drastically in prepatch, the number I heard was somewhere around 50% less xp required overall to reach level 70. However it’s too early for me to go digging around to see where I got this information so take it with a grain of salt.

You even made nice use of paragraphs and everything!!!

We simply don’t know what is coming. Levelling will be faster in prepatch which is yet to have the date announced. We presume it will be not long after the guild services are removed (except for renaming).

My last alt in Remix took 8 hours play time and I didn’t do anything optimally but I can understand not wanting to go that route.

You are so on point. The prevalence of knee-jerk reactions and replies is dumbfounding. In every forum and social media app, really. People no longer read posts till the end and judge a book by its cover pretty much.

Just wanted to quote that part because it made me laugh out loud :smiley:

I enjoyed leveling in Remix but after the third character it starts to feel a bit like leveling in Dragonflight from 60 to 70. The dungeons and raids feel even more anti-social than they do in Retail as well.

The mailbox leveling is absolutely degenerate and I struggle to understand why it is not fixed. Hopefully in the next similar event this will not be possible to do.

I hope there will be a complete overhaul of the leveling system soon. I also hope TWW will not go the same route as DF did and they will allow us to do story quests in whichever zone we choose after having brought one character to max level. Right now in beta it is the same as in DF.

Pre-patch usually has fast leveling, non-more-so than Legion. I leveled a bunch of alts from near 0 up to 100. Which came in handy when Order Halls were great for alts.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Pre-patch included a Winds of Wisdom buff.
But even if it doesn’t its invasion type events (I assume this is what it’ll have, not seen anything on it) will give quite a lot of xp. It’ll certainly be enough to level a few alts 60 to 70. Maybe enough to level 1 to 70 once or twice.

Hopefully they do for the people that want to level new characters and not have to use remix to do so quickly.

That’s to cater for levelling for the next expansion though so I wouldn’t read as being like winds of wisdom.

I bring this to your attention and i am surprised you have no been put on vacation for such a disgusting attack on another player. You should be ashamed using mental health as an attack, no excuse ever for doing that.

Not sure but i hope we do the only thing we are sure of is in pre patch the XP needed to level is nerfed, which is a start at least.

Bellular claimed you can max level in 2 hours with prepatch

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From what starting point? 1, 10, 60, or something else?

From 1 iirc

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i could agree but the possibility to level in 3 hours is too much appealing. im get tired of “DIE NECROMANCER!” or “I BLEED! BUT I WONT DIE!” or “MOGRAINE…” but levelling a new char in retail now it seems to me a waste of time.
This speed level gave me the possibility to level some forgotten class i never thought of since ancient age.
To answer your question… i guess not.

in retail? really? bah anyway i have too much alts now at 70 (around 20).

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