Windwalker DPS bug?

Hey guys, I’ve noticed a problem with my Windwalker since Pre-Patch event and I can’t find a solution for it.

First of all : My Windwalker is 130 ilvl equipped and has almost everything BiS with all Sockets, Azerites and Essences. (Stats: agi > vers > crit = mastery > haste)

If I run a sim, I just get 3k DPS on a 5 min patchwerk fight. On a target dummy, I can’t reach more than ~2.9k after 5 min (and no, it’s not a rotation thing) After the remove of corruption, it was like 4k ST.

My mage f.e. is 125 ilvl equipped with no sockets at all and I reach even with a sim and on a dummy around 3.7 to 4k ST DPS after 5 min AFTER the recent nerfs.

So is there a known bug, that prolly some Azerte traits or anything wont work? I tried all possible combinations of gear and talents like triple Open Palm Fists, Heart of Darkness and so on. But I can’t believe that the last 2 patches has lowered my dps that much? :frowning:

PS: I know sim’s are currently not 100% accurate.

Thank you!

Our dps was never good in PVE environment on solo target. Tbh we suck in raid, and that is not your or your gear fault.

Watch this video and you will understand we have no scaling at all. Our spells and passives do not scale with each other, neither with secondary stats. That’s why our bis stat is versa, it just gives us + damage so our spells hit harder. Same for mastery, and same for crit. Haste is totally useless, I think if we could reach 0% haste we wouldn’t even realize it.

So this is the problem with WW dps in PVE, and Blizzard did nothing in whole BFA, SL alpha + beta about it, and I think they won’t do anything in the near future.


Were getting cucked again…

At least the playstyle is fast and fun

That’s true. :smiley:

Sad life for us WW monks

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