Hey guys, I’ve noticed a problem with my Windwalker since Pre-Patch event and I can’t find a solution for it.
First of all : My Windwalker is 130 ilvl equipped and has almost everything BiS with all Sockets, Azerites and Essences. (Stats: agi > vers > crit = mastery > haste)
If I run a sim, I just get 3k DPS on a 5 min patchwerk fight. On a target dummy, I can’t reach more than ~2.9k after 5 min (and no, it’s not a rotation thing) After the remove of corruption, it was like 4k ST.
My mage f.e. is 125 ilvl equipped with no sockets at all and I reach even with a sim and on a dummy around 3.7 to 4k ST DPS after 5 min AFTER the recent nerfs.
So is there a known bug, that prolly some Azerte traits or anything wont work? I tried all possible combinations of gear and talents like triple Open Palm Fists, Heart of Darkness and so on. But I can’t believe that the last 2 patches has lowered my dps that much?
PS: I know sim’s are currently not 100% accurate.
Thank you!