Windwalker monk, 2h vs dw?

If I go to level a monk as windwalker, which option is better? And is there even a difference?

for what little I play with this character, I refer to the guides
anyway below what they say about it

Dual-wielding and Two-Hand Comparison

As you acquire weapons, you may have to, at times, decide between dual-wielding a weapon in each hand or equipping a single two-handed option. This decision may be a little more complicated than it first would seem, as there is a hidden buff — called Windwalker Monk Two-Hand Adjustment despite also affecting Brewmasters — which increases the damage of your abilities by 2% when dual-wielding. However, many of your abilities do not take a weapon in the off-hand into account for calculating their damage dealt!

What this all ends up meaning is that when dual-wielding, your autoattack damage is more significant, but when using a two-handed weapon, your ability damage is higher instead. However, if both of your dual-wielded weapons are enchanted, they more than make up this difference in ability damage. Of course, this assumes all three weapons involved are the same item level and have identical secondary stats.

To summarize: when deciding between dual-wield and 2h, you can safely choose either option if it results in a higher total item level or amount of secondary stats. If you would like to know the best offensive option for your current selection of weapons, then it is still recommended to simulate your character for the best item available

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There isn’t any difference while levelling. After 70, if you will push hard content, dual w is recommended.

This is honestly a good point. Don’t worry about it while levelling :smile_cat:

As far as I know, advice at max has always been dual wield is very slightly superior, if your choice is between items of the same ilvl and stats.

Also, this is Dragonflight. You’ll use the weapon you get first and be grateful for it, because you won’t get another for ages. (But no, really, unless you get yours crafted, you will use the highest ilvl thing that drops because you won’t have multiple alternatives anyway.)


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