It’s always miserable when <class i don’t like> is viable.
Normally I would agree with your sentiment if not for the fact that most of the vocal forum posters seem to have a distaste for whenever Resto Druids or Mistweaver Monks are the meta healers, myself included.
Monks were the original anime protagonist class, before Demon Hunters attempted to usurp them.
Its not “insert class name” bad, its just few other are too strong. Its “insert class name” viable, look at “insert rare multi R1 tryharder who sit on this class”.
Seems like you haven’t played MoP, WoD or Legion at all.
Legion, i mained WW in Legion. Like when people die with serenity in stunlocks without any counter-play if don’t have trinket.
Maybe I’m just getting too old, but I don’t recall Monks being as obnoxious for anywhere near as long in those expacs as Windwalker has been so far in Shadowlands.
Edit: Maybe I’ll concede MoP actually, in MoP most things were viable for one reason or another.
People forget very fast, but it’s also just your personal opinion. WW was very broken in MoP too, but since every spec was broken in that expansion, mage on top of everything else btw, you might not remember it as good.
Personally I think warrior, bm and rdruids are way more obnoxious than ww currently. I don’t even think ww was that good in shadowlands season 1. There have been 7 ww in the top 250, as comparison there have been 26 warriors and 18 rogues, 23 mages etc. which were the most dominant ones from my impression.
Yes, right now chi-ji proc is somewhat broken because of the pve stack mechanic. Remove the stacks from PvP and give chi-ji the old inner cd mechanic of like 15 seconds and the issue is fixed without destroying the spec.
I wasn’t actually 100% serious with my initial statement, I worded it as intentionally tongue-in-cheek and inflammatory.
That said yeah, MoP was a weird place, hence why I edited my post above.
I mostly remember Warlords of Turbocleave, with a bit of Feral thrown in.
Legion I don’t recall seeing a huge amount of Windwobbler, and when I did it was usually in TWD but I’ll be the first to admit that I haven’t really been active enough in 3s to have an opinion worth humouring for an expansion or two now.
It’s not really WW’s lone fault in Shadowlands, it’s just an unfortunate by-product of general design being dumpster tier. Being ran at by some idiot with 40 seconds of cooldown burst and an un-CC’able Cat (at least they quietly addressed this, I still remember being told I was wrong xd) doing 6k+ DPS where the most effective peel is “just kill them through Karma xd” is not enjoyable even when they aren’t populating the top brackets.
This Bonedust/Chi-ji meme is just the icing on top of the dribble cake. The only saving grace for those that can’t stand the class is that they’d normally have fallen off by now, but between all of the bugfixes/new bugs introduced and idiotic borrowed power they’re still around randomly deleting people in a Leg Sweep like a year into the expansion.
maybe give some of that crane power back to mistweaver
I think we have never seen more RMDs at blizzcon than during WoD. While turbo was very dominant, RMD was the absolute meta comp. I guess the only reason why RMD hasn’t won the blizzcon was some rogues throwing the games and the lack of dr trackers.
At least RMD beated turbo like 75% of the time during ladder if I remember correctly.
Thank Ion and Holinka for it, because it’s “exciting” to see big numbers. While that might be true for PvE, they somehow have forgotten that those exciting moments in PvP come with the cost to frustrate another player.
And to be very fair, how much wws would you see if they weren’t able to do that currently? Basically none, because warrior is everywhere better. They are a lot more tanky, have the biggest sustain, can one shot people as well and bring a lot better group support on top of it.
I was mostly referring to ladder, that’s my bad for not clarifying. = P
And yeah, I’m not for a moment blaming Monk players, it’s no-one here’s fault that things are the way they are.
I also agree that Arms is the better spec, but that doesn’t make me any happier that the only reason that I see Windwalkers is because of their ability to oneshot me.
its funny how you see Paladins, Warriors, Rogues & Hunters complain about WW…
while ww is so rng these classes have burst and control on demand
Yeah its almost like there is a pattern that classes who arnt playing mongo-RNG-classes dislikes mongo-RNG-kills because its obnoxious and gamebreaking. Or you think that someone should be able to randomly down you 100-0 in 1 seconds solo?
WW is obnoxious in a diffrent way though then if compared to warrior bm and rdruid which i think you are 100% right about.
The problem with the WW insane burst is that it is totally out of control. Some classes can handle that though with certain defensive cds. But for other comps/classes you just wanna turn the game off when you face a WW trading 2-3-4 defensive cooldowns and still it goes trough. 120k dmg in half a second.
Like you said, they should fix it but not completly destroy the class, i dont think WW was overpowered in Season 1 either.
MOP ww had very similiar one shot but all classes back then had many more tools to survive
That was pretty rare though. I think i’ve only seen it happen once on mine, 222k RSK crit.
wdym its fair just alt+F4 the cranekick
Just trinket double wall every leg sweep, what’s the issue bro ?
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