Windwalker Monk (Spinning crane kick + bonedust brew)

There hasn’t been a 1 shot this overpowered since MM hunters blowing people up through walls.

needs to be fixed


got about a 0.1% chance that they adjust some broken stuff this or next wednesday since AWC is over

Considering if they take in account AWC then WW won’t be nerfed at all

I don’t mind WW being strong. I like the spec and playing with it but this is a bit out of control. I hope they fix it and then in probably will end with Monks going back to Kyrian.

I don’t see the problem with WW being necro what’s the difference? You want monks to do unhealable damage for 35 seconds instead?

Especially because of what was shown on awc they should be nerfing monk.

Only the Spinning oneshot though. Don’t want them to overnerf as usual…

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It’s interesting. Didn’t see an overwhelming amount of monks before. Now it seems like every other person running out of the necrolord covenant building is a ww monk.

That you don’t flop in one global and Kyrian gives you time to react. There is a reason why 90% of Monks went for Necro already. If there wasn’t any difference between them then most would be Kyrian because they were last season.

This is why Necro WW is a problem.

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I don’t know, I don’t find them that broken, oh well maybe because I play as venthyr.

What ww bro

how quickly we forget rogues.

Yeah, when it lines, its almost on the pre-nerf Sub Rogue / MM level yet its not getting nerfed. Well, it took them some time to nerf Sub Rogues as well but meh, who cares? It’s just another -1 for Blizzard and i doubt they give a care.

Speaking of one shots, I was hit by 33k ferocious bite yesterday. It was the beginning of convoke…

its a mess

Btw mm can still Do that :slight_smile:

Not even remotely close as to before.

Idk. there are plenty of one shots that require to be looked at, what makes WW more annoying than others is prolly how reliable their one shot is paired with their toolkit and the fact that its aoe (LOL), also Fire mages while we are at it, i dont remember a time when mages were so forgiving of making mistakes because of how many ridiculous amount of setups and survivability they have rn, paired with combustion being reliable ridiculous dam cd, its even more of a joke of a class than bm/ww/arms tbh and the only thing that stops people from complaining about mages is prolly how the class just isnt as popular, it never was, maybe for the better tho.

I don’t mind them overnerfing them at this point. They’ve been an unpeelable nightmare to play against for 10 months now. Not that we’ll get any PvP changes just like we haven’t had any proper changed in the past 10 months.

10 months? I remember there was a time where WW almost was completely unplayable

Is it time for my patented “Whenever WW or MW Monks are viable the game is miserable” post again?

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