Windwalkers to windcrawlers

Why blizz why remove my 2 charges of chi torpedo its like a knife to the heart i love being fast and nipping all over the shop but you removed that and gave us the most meh passive speed talents a small jump and 15% speed??? Why gives us that and not just and extra charge of roll or torpedo? I hate the devs didnt remove faeline and removed my speed. Idiots. Idiots of the highest order.

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They didn’t. Chi Torpedo will have 2 charges baseline.

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Where did you see that? I can’t find it in the patch notes.

Windwalker Monk The War Within Talent Calculator

This says 2 charges, can be a bug on wowhead, it all have been put together in a hurry. Wait until the alpha is out and people confirm it, but I dont see any reason why they would ever remove the 2nd charge. You also get so much extra mobility, you can not complain.

WW mobility literally increased what are you smoking lmao