Wings of Azeroth - Late Night Raid Team - Achievements and more!

More than ‘Just a Raid Team’ - Late Night - Family Friendly - All Welcome

Established in 2018, Wings of Azeroth is a cross-realm community of achievement hunters, mount farmers, raiders and those looking for a real home in Azeroth. We are brought together by our love of the game, community spirit and desire to see the content in the game together. We celebrate each of our successes and support each other through the harder times.

Our raiding team is gearing up to once again gain AotC, and we’d love to make some new friends along the way. We caters to all; members having their first raiding experience play alongside CE raiders, and everybody in between.

If you’re newer to raiding - all you need is the desire to learn and grow week by week.
If you’re an old hand looking for a steadier pace around IRL - we’d value your experience and knowledge to support others so we can all succeed together.

Sundays 21:30 - 00:00 Server Time
Looking for 2 x DPS (Tank and healer spots are full but you’re very welcome to join other server events!)
We aim to progress each and every raid. We will achieve AotC, then if the desire is to go further, we will keep going!

More than ‘Just a Raid Team’?
We are a community first and foremost - we also regularly host events for:

  • Glory runs (dungeon and raid)
  • Achievements
  • Mounts
  • Pets
  • Titles
  • KSM
  • And well… anything!:slightly_smiling_face:

Everybody is welcome, raiders and socials alike!

Is Wings the home for you?
Please contact Athenacorn#2517 on BNet for a chat and how to join.
We look forward to meeting you🦄


Unfortunately I can’t raid with you this tier due to my IRL circumstances, but its really good to see you going again this tier!

I have been involved with and raided with Wings in the past (and am still a part of the community) and I just wanted to say that I had an absolutely brilliant time, thank you! The social side of this community is stronger than many extremely established guilds I’ve seen regardless of server barriers, which was really nice for me as I felt welcome straight away. There is a very supportive culture, and this extends to the raid team as well. The goal is to complete the content together and raise each other up, and I’ve seen very experienced (multi CE level mythic raiders) players put in time and effort to help those without as much of a raiding backgrounds so that everyone can achieve their goals. The raids are fun as well, lots of people in this community have known each other for a long time but rather than feeling excluded, I felt as if I had been welcomed into the group which was honestly really refreshing.

Whether you are an experienced raider looking for a pleasant, friendly place to raid on a Sunday or a newer player looking to step into organized raiding for the first time, I cant recommend the Wings raid team enough. This is not just a “for fun” social raid, the leadership put a lot of effort in to make sure runs go smoothly, everyone is prepared and people who are just looking to take advantage of the effort of others are addressed quickly. Its certainly the best organized AotC aiming team I’ve ever seen by a long way, and the people are just amazing.

The community is also brilliant and very active. If you are looking for events to join, or want to put on some runs yourself and are looking for a brilliant group of people to do them with, look no further!

I am sorry again that I can’t raid with you this tier but I am looking forwards to seeing how it goes! And who knows, if you join the community maybe we will play together in an achievement run at some point :slight_smile:

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