Winnie the Pooh allowed at blizzcon?

Just wondering if anyone got word if the costume or t shirts is allowed?or Should I make a ticket? Thanks

Well. I’ve heard the banning of winnie costume was made up and not actually real.

I have seen the fake rules doing the rounds on social media. Anyone who is interested can read the actual event rules and details here:-

Yeah you should make a ticket about it, waste some poor GMs time with a stupid question.

That’ll show evil Blizzard! :nerd_face:


That doesn’t actually answer the question at all. It’s subject to “good judgement “ which can mean anything

Nothing prevents you from doing so and if any security guy bothers you just tell them that it’s in honor of Honey Bear in Stormsong valley

(I mean Blizzard put a fking winnie the pooh in their games and suddenly because of chinese pressure it would be banned at blizzcon ? Really folks ???)

If its a serious question don’t be ridiculous. Blizzcon is held in the US, every single person there could wear a WtP whatever. It would only be censored on Chinese media.

If you’re just trolling try harder.

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