Wintraders / Bot abusers in Protection Paladin Solo Shuffle Bracket

There are so many problems and issues in solo shuffle for Protection Paladin bracket a lot of wintrading and bot abusers are there I will try to explain so Blizzard finally decides to do something about it.

Since the release of Dragonflight, Blizzard decided to bring out Rated Solo Shuffle for every single specialization including tanks and they wanted each tank specs to matchup against each other for example guardian druids only faced guardian druid and so on but again they changed their mind and they put tanks as (DPS) so they get faster queues they did this change for every tank besides Protection Paladin because this spec had advantage in healing and defensive cooldowns and it was kind of a good choice to put protection paladin as a healer but suddenly they nerfed all healings of this spec for around 50% and they increased the cooldown of defensive cooldowns.

since those nerfs protection paladin healing became useless and every round in prot pala lobbies took only 10 seconds and that’s not enjoyable at all.
on top of those nerfs there was a change that made Word of Glory to cost 10% of base mana + mana regen nerfs that literally means you will go oom after a few heals.

So after those nerfs there is no point to put Protection Paladin as a (Healer) in solo shuffle and it should be considered as a (Dps) like every other tank.

Lately people are trying to get rank one achievement from this bracket by just queing 2 different accounts at the same time they make it so obvious by just not moving or not pressing cooldowns or not healing at all according to this video from Snupy :
Cheaters Like This Are Ruining WoW PvP. - YouTube

or they will play with bot programs on multiple accounts and in both situations they are ruining the game and Blizzard should be doing something about it.

There are only a few solutions for this problem :

  1. first is that they do something about bot program abusers and wintraders (its so obvious)
  2. second is that they put Protection Paladin as a (DPS) spec in solo shuffle like all other tanks so people cant wintrade like that by just logging 2 accounts and not pressing anything on one of them and giving free rating to their main account.
    by doing that bot program abusers will also be so obvious in a game and players can report them.
  3. third they can just remove all tank specs from solo shuffle since there is no balancing on tank specs design for arena at all.

I hope Blizzard takes this problems serious and does something about it.
(there is also a video from Venruki that shows how the bot program works and if a prot paladin abuses this on two different accounts they can wintrade forever)
Cheating Is Still Ruining PvP In World of Warcraft - YouTube


This guy tried really hard to wintrade in season 1, spamming q like crazy in hopes to get matched with his partner. He changed his name back to Emistesia. BTW none of wintraders are getting r1 in solo shuffle as prot this season, all spots are taken already by legit players and they will defend it (which is easy due to large skill gap).
Also agree that prot ladder should be removed, any ladder with small player pool can be easily abused . Let me get my r1 for the season tho

not true at all, games are pretty decent still. problem is , there are only 3-4 people in EU who know how to heal as prot, that’s why the average quality of games is low. I faced much more unfair and “not enjoyable” matchups in regular solo shuffle, e.g. 2100 healers trying to heal 2500 lobby or holy paladins trying to heal ret palas, one melee in full caster lobby etc.
The real problem of prot lobbies is absence of interest, therefore average low skill of prot players and ease of ladder abuse .

no, im just better than you and you are salty. Deep in heart you know it. Also best prot in world. I played 1000 rounds on main with different people this season and lost maybe 2 or 3 games.
You will never get r1 spot as prot as long as this ladder exists :slight_smile: You can try tho.
Hiding check pvp is to not show my carefully picked gear and alts, so people cant snipe me :slight_smile:
No bots exists for prot pala, there is no market to justify development time. And for sure i wouldnt create one myself, because it works just fine without bot for me.
Btw flagged your message because it contains wintrading accusations, hope you get banned on forums

If you didn’t wintrade or do anything wrong you didn’t came here and try to justify yourself…
you are right, you are better than me but in your dreams :slight_smile:

I mean he is hiding on check pvp etc that literally says it all


I agree they have to put prot paladin as a dps after healing nerfs prots just can’t heal and games are not enjoyable.

Those videos tells everything about whats goin on when you end up on prot paladin game shuffle and seems like there’s alot wintrading and bot abusers on that ladder.


Didnt he also wintrade himself to r1 ls and doing it again ? Im gonna poste this thread on twitter to the devs.


He actually did, the fun part is he couldn’t even move his own character he got r1 by wintrading and now he talks about skill.
No offense but just check this guys account no pvp achievements besides shuffle achieves that came from wintrading, brand new account its so fun…


lol thats a nice joke

No i know the guyhe woulf never wintrade he played is heart out ls to get prot r1 ur just abused everything u can cause ur bad to manipulate the rating system as prot to get r1. I wont let this thread day so anyone sees and reports u and hopefully a dev reads it

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Keep it alive so he gets permad


As a protection paladin player I completely agree, certainly protection paladin goes oom but the real problem is not even that, let’s say they buff protection paladin healing and mana regen and the ladder stays like how it is now, what about wintraders and bot abusers then?

Protection Paladin is a Support specialization in (PvP) so why would Blizzard put it as a Healer in rated solo shuffle?

Wintraders don’t care if protection paladin heals or not they just want the ladder to stay like this (Protection Paladin only face Protection Paladin) so they can wintrade/bot abuse or manipulate the whole system to get rank 1 so what Blizzard should do?

Put protection paladin as a (DPS) in solo shuffle instead of (Healer) like every other tank specialization

By doing this first of all people can’t wintrade easily and get rank 1 for free also if a protection paladin decides to cheat and use bot programs they will get so many reports at some point and its actually easier for Blizzard to encounter bot abusers.


This dude knows what’s he’s talking about. Extensive experience in alt WT in season 1, too bad only your friend got r1.
The topic was started by protection paladin, most likely Dibzi or Maximumtaste, too bash on another wintrader. What an irony xDDD

he did never wintrade my dude he got gladitor before and now again on3 diff chars he has literally screenshots going 0-6 against u when u facea real player and not when u face urself to get r1

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he got gladiator? you mean the achievment for 2400 rating???
you’re sure about that? that changes everything, he didnt wintrade, he just luckily got into q in the early morning with his friend to exchange 0-6 and 6-0 between alts and mains, and it happened several times (insane luck i know, but since he’s OMG GLADIATOR there’s no other explanaition)

dude he wins me like 1 out of 3 times, why would he dodge me then?

None dodging you, to be honest you are no one you don’t have 2s/3s experience and from skies you have suddenly became “best prot world”? how is that even possible?
4k achievements, brand new account, 10 characters on 4 different accounts, you que to yourself and you give yourself free rating ofc there should be a change for this bracket.
Also why you are so mad about Protection being considered as dps in shuffle? are you scared that you can’t wintrade anymore?
also why would anyone que this bracket when a unknown new player comes and abuses bot programs to get r1?


im not mad, i actually want it to be dps in soloq, read my posts. Maybe your experience doesnt mean much if a new player can stomp you

you don’t even know what gladiator is and that’s the fun thing about you then how you are getting r1 on 3-4 different characters? is this even possible for a player that doesn’t even know what gladiator is suddenly becomes r1?