Wishlist for next Expansion?

i would like a smoother ret rotation … i feel like most of melee specs are RNG proc and only feels smooth when u have decent procs in long fights. CD stage is fine because ur filling up your holy bars pretty fast but once that goes its slows way way down.

Bring Back Pala buffs (Might/Kings etc.)
Remove Holy Power mechanic from Holy Pala
Nerf self healing (except for Holy obviously) in PvP

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Complete rework something like shadowpriest for Shadowlands

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Gnome paladins!


Some amazing suggestions here.

Some of mine

  • Keep final verdict, ALL the classes need more class specific animations.
  • Auras need a major rework and viability for M+ and raids, make Retribution useful again or scrap it. Have a perm appearance for the auras as well.
  • Give us a combat res it only makes sense with the lore, we need to be more useful in groups especially Ret.
  • Bring back the blessings that made Pala viable like Kings / Might etc
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Get rid of GCD form abilities like auramastery, auras and maby some others. So many gcd on so meaningless skills feels like playing unfinished spec. Bring back old mastery: Mastery: Illuminated Healing It causes direct heals cast by the paladins to also grant an shield effect on the target ( i know there is no chance for that, but it’s just a wish)

  1. Seals coming back reworked. Instead of Seals like they used to be, I think a cool idea would be to bring them back in the form of weapon enchant, similar to Death Knight’s Runeforging.
  • Seal of Light: Chance on hit to heal you and increase your strength
  • Seal of Justice: chance on hit to make your next ability consume 1 less Holy Power
  • Seal of Righteouness: chance on hit to increase your damage reduction
  • Seal of Command: Increase your movement speed and when you kill an enemy that yields experience or honor heal 5% of your life and gain move speed
  • Seal of Vengeance: Chance on hit to put a debuff on target according to your specialization - Protection: target deals less damage / Retribution: Target takes more damage / Holy: attacking the target heals you
  • Seal of Wisdom: chance on hit to gain a shield that absorbs spell damage
  1. Divine Intervention coming back reworked: A combat ressurection mechanism to add utility in raids and mythics.
  2. Some improvement on Retribution’s mobility. Some sort of new gap closer or some sort of failsafe when using Divine Steed (you cannot be slowed below 100% of normal speed, and you are immune to forced movement effects and knockbacks)
  3. Improved model for Judgement armor set.

Give us back the first row of Speed/Mobility talents from Mist of Pandaria (Charger is the dumbest thing in the world for PvP - kind of obvious you’re gonna make a swap or CC if you suddenly spawn on a giant glowing horse):

  • Speed of Light - 45 sec cooldown
    Increases your movement speed by 70% for 8 sec.

  • Pursuit of Justice - Instant
    You gain 15% movement speed at all times, plus an additional 5% movement speed for each current charge of Holy Power up to 3.

  • Long Arm of the Law - Instant
    A successful Judgment increases your movement speed by 45% for 3 sec.

Make Ret Great Again

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Eternal Flame please!

  1. Removal of Blade of Justice
  2. Return of Exorcism
  3. Return of Seals / Blessings
  1. Make Final Verdict baseline or a talent
  2. Divine Steed changes:
  • Divine steed cooldown reduced to 40 sec. Duration increased by 4 sec
  • Steed of Glory PvP talent now replaces the Cavalier talent for PvE. Increase Divine steed duration by 2 sec, Divine Steed’s cooldown is reduced to 30 seconds. Knockback & Slow immunity removed
  • Cavalier talent redesigned (now a PvP talent): Divine Steed now also grants immunity to slows and reduces all damage taken while mounted on your Divine Steed by 20%.
  1. Delete Justicar Vengeance talent, replace it with a talent that reflects the effect of Aegisjalmur, the Armguards of Awe:
  • Any attack which would kill you instead triggers a Shield of Vengeance at 200% the normal amount then reduces you to 1 health. Cannot occur more often than once per 3 min.
  1. More useful Auras:
  • Devotion aura is fine
  • Retribution Aura increases holy damage by 5% for the Paladin only
  • Concentration Aura is almost fine. Make the Pure Concentration conduit for it baseline.
  • Crusader Aura. You and your allies now also have 10% increased movement speed.
  1. Bring back Divine Hammer talent. It was pretty good in AoE
  2. Consecration changes:
  • [Ret only] Increase Consecration cooldown by 16 sec. Generates 1 Holy Power and increase the damage of it by 200%
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Remove :

-Remove shield of the rigtheous from ret. It’s self explanatory, that spell is useless for the spec.
-Remove auras and just bring effects as baseline passive. Frankly, loosing 2 baseline passives that became auras, meaning loosing either of those passives really felt bad. Also, auras aren’t an exciting mechanic at all since they’re mostly set and forget. Not to mention that holy is more than likely taking paladin slot.
-Remove or rework consecration for ret as guides are showing rotation while actively ignoring this useless spell. That’s a case of filling spell book for the sake of it rather than thinking about usefulness.
-Remove justicar revenge since it has been a meme from its legion introduction.

Rework current spells :

-Reducing divine steed CD and easy to access second charge. Frankly, being a wheelchair class feels bad in such raiding environment. I thought 30s CD was actually fine.
-wake of ashes should generate 5 holy powers upon being casted instead of 3. Wake of ashes being a former shadow of itself being nerfed expansion after expansion feels bad. Now is the time to reverse that trend.

Bring back :

-Give ret old semi ranged exorcism builder. Contrary to what was said earlier, exorcism was actually on top of prio during Mop and Wod as it would reset thanks for art of war
-Give ret raid wide utility, could be Mop devo aura or reworked aura mastery since ret is supposed to be a support class but both warrior and dk are providing more consistent tools to the raid team
-Give ret an actual aoe builder, such as hammer of the rigtheous, since the only cleave builder is wake, which is actually a burst CD rather than a builder
-Bringing back blessings, either their pre legion or their legion versions, as both can be great and an incentive to bring in ret

Keep :
-Divine toll + baked in conduit. This could make a good st burst tool instead of just being pure aoe.

Now some unpopular takes :
-If Blizzard wants ret to be a wings centered spec, then 2P from T18 should be brought back. I think 2 charges could be great instead of the 3 we had
-Moreover if they really want ret to be a burst spec then old guardian of ancient kings should be brought back to life


Just give us back WoD ret. Thats it. Was the most fun to play version of the spec in its entire existence. The braindead talent build of ret played this season makes me miss it even more. Ret this season is just a melee light themed bm hunter.

I reckon Auras in WoD were actually pretty interesting and meaningful, not to mention if you too the Aura talent. Even thought I would mostly pick Final Verdict for Mythic raiding and Rated PVP, cause it a great talent, the Aura talent added a very interesting and fun gameplay.

What people mean by wanting Auras back is to have them indeed be something useful on many cases. I have read somewhere in the Forums having Crusader’s Aura also give 20% unmounted movement speed, and that would be very very useful for the class.

I really really want Long Arm of the Law back.
It would be one of the greatest improvements Blizz can make if they dont want to overhaul the spec.

Crusader Aura seems to increase the range on a few Ret abilities according to some datamining. Although it remains to be seen if it makes it into the game.

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By blessings you mean class buffs? Please no.

No class buffs at all.

Utility like, do a portion of your damage as group healing is fine.

Not, get 5 % more strength or ap, or reduce the cd of your group members major cds when you consume combo points.

One is good, the other is not, not only that, but class buffs like blessing of might/battle shout etc are the most boring thing you could add to the game. At least restless crew is interesting, even if a balance nightmare.

They add literally nothing, while being a problem.

Im only gonna talk about ret here:

Please ,Please remove divine steed NO ONE likes it this is not diablo

bring back speed of light(70% speed for 8 sec 40sec cd)

Long arm of the law (50% speed for 3sec on judgmet)

and let players choose between them in talents

Bring back Emancipate :
https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Emancipate its way better than all of blessing of freedom related pvp talents you put there

2.raid utility/buff
Bring back blessing of might and give it same effect as warrior buff,or % of mastery incrase

Change retribution aura to 3% flat damage or use this as ret aura

please remove old ret aura,we get judge from our dps including those extra wings ,if you have a bad group and people die there you will do more damage than a same skill ret in a good group and its not fair

remove shield of vengenace ,its not a defensive most people use as it and will try to take damage to explode it for its damage
Give us divine protection + old aura mastery (20% raidwide damage reduction which didnt depend on your aura)

this one is personall but i really liked cata guardian of ancient king which gaves us 20% str on max stack and exploded when faded ,that + wing gave us insane burst

Zelatory: * Your Crusader Strike generates 3 charges of Holy Power per strike for the next 20 sec. Requires 3 Holy Power to use, but does not consume Holy Power.
Maybe change CS to judgment

WOD set: extra charge of wings

Core: Exorcism! Many people want it back just make a talent/glyph to change Blade of justice to exorcism( with glyph of exorcist animation)and change damage to holy(always crit on undead and demon ).

Stop insisting on divine steed when we are telling you we dont want it for 3 expansion , i have nightmares since i saw divine steed related talent datamined on alpha.

In what way were they intresting back then? Also are you talking about aura mastery, something ret has never had?

Over the expansions they have never added anything really usefull to auras themselfs yet for other classes there is 0 problems to give a 5% crit aura and rogues seems to get an aura in DF witch i find hillarious.

We have 1 aura that increases DPS and that is when someone dies, otherwise it does nothing, thats the lvl of helpfull auras we are at and will most likley stay at.

Sure, if they lower the CD of judgment back to 6 sec (i think thats what the base CD was) again instead of 12. And if we get emancipate back.

Just getting the old tools back is not enough tbh, other classes has had their mobility amped up by 11 since we had those tools.

For example with a rogue i faced the other day. He was trying to get the base i was defending with the usual Sap ninja, he was not overgearing me. After some CDs used we were fighting over the base until i got backup and the rogue decides to flee, he cheapshots me, teleports to the other guy 20ish yards away and cheapshots him and sprints away. By the time the stun ends hes well over 50 yards away.

We are a car that takes 10 sec to go from 0-100 while others do that in 0.2 sec and our player base is asking fo a buff lowering it to 9 sec?

DKs on the other hand dont need that becase they are tow trucks. They have evolved over the years and gotten tools to handle their mobility issues.

I would not be too negative about getting movement abilities back.
We had long arm of the law with a longer cooldown judgment by the way and it worked fine.
We need more movement and if have long arm and horse that will help a lot it wont be perfect but it would be really helpful.

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