Witch Aelf closest equivalent class?

Thinking of trying a berzerker warrior, a bit hyped up on faith but certainly no paladin nor priest.

As Witch Aelves are pretty shouty and stabby I was thinking of Fury Warrior. The other alternative might be a Demon Hunter? Has more mobility and relies on simply ignoring wounds rather than heavy armour.

Thoughts please.

Thank you.

DH gang DH gang.

Warhammer? Assassin rogues. Lightly armoured whirlwinds of death that strike with envenomed blades to leave a heap of gore. They just lack the murder and blood cultist vibe but your rogue can just be weird like that. Don’t expect to make many well adjusted friends.


what the hell is a witch aelf

Warhammer Fantasy stuff.
Basically drugged berserkers out to spill as much blood as possible.

ps. forgot that they’re all nearly naked, beautiful elf-ladies

It’s an elf blood cultist with a name games’ workshop could copyright.

Dh obviously, a Witch Aelf rank is directly linked to how little clothing she is wearing. And go Venthyr for some blood themed mog.

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