Witch Doctors & Voodoo

Hullo mons at Blizzard,

As your average troll enjoyer and dwarf stoper, I am deeply sad that entire genre of established shamans and their lore got cut out of playable classes.

The shamans we can play are strictly elemental focused, disconnected from the roots. Just look at the uninteresting class hall. Shamans we used to know and love were first and foremost spiritual. I’m talking about Rokhan and witch doctors from WarCraft 3 beside farseers and and orcish shamans. These proto shamans were not elemental. Voodoo and totems was their weapon of choice.

Lack of witch doctor among upcoming hero classes is criminal. All that has to happen to support it is changing water theme into voodoo - rename some abilities and reskin spells to spectral. No need to change a damn thing besides those two.

Or if you want to make it a class, consider these 3 specs:

  • shadow hunter (ranged support)
  • hexxer (ranged dps)
  • witch doctor (healer)

BFA would be perfect to add this in but it’s too late now. Any of the 3 above would be better than totemic and/or stormbringer. A farseer is a stormbringer and works for both elemental and enh.

Please reconnect shamans with the spiritual/voodoo side of the class. Playing a resto water gun is mid at best. I love the class fantasy and the lore. Elements are already omnipresent across all available specs. Make something different. You did a good job in Diablo 3. Possibilities are endless.

Taz’dingo mons!


If you want which doctors, play Diablo 3.

In wow we have enough specs as it is. And its becoming a nightmare to balance the game and play what you want. Always refreshing WoWHead hoping to be the new meta.


Sorry but NO. Get a Troll Mog and RP some “tazdingo”. Thats as far as a “which doctor” should get.

I’m not asking for a new class or a rework. I’m asking for a lick of pain mon!

Dont bring in Stormbringer into the replacement dialogue. That thing is BiS.

Totemic definitely needs a remake.
Like Witch doctor, Spiritwalker, or even Primalist.

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