With how many community-disliked features tried Ion to get away in BfA?

No way, you must be being sarcastic, LOL

I really don’t get and never will get the opposition to CRZ.

The right traits are kind of essential to your class as well. And in BFA you farm until your eyeballs explode and still not get them.

Given the list you posted above I am honestly surprised. CRZ removes server identity and gives a very artificial view of the world including removing any benefits there are to being on a low pop server.

That is exactly my point, and it is one reason that some classes are broken and other are meah… and other are OK with some varied traits and more are in massive trouble without them.

If you just had straight up gearing it would be much easier to live with and of course tuning should in theory be better and it wouldn’t have to take some crazy trait combos into account on either azerite or tier.

What’s exactly the deal with some traits? Are some stackable?

Azerite traits stack as far as I know.

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