A good many smaller businesses may operate at a loss for a while as they get up and running and some bigger ones may operate at a loss for a shorter period of time as well due to a great many possible factors. This is why just looking at the yearly profits never will give a person the full picture of how well a company is doing.
Outside of a general yearly projection then it’s also necessary to look at both the cashflow and the way the company’s assets are tied up. How much of it that is short term liquidity, which can be turned into a cash at a short notice if necessary, and how much of it that is tied up in long term assets can make a break a company if things do go south.
This is also the reason why banks and some other financial institutions have gotten much tighter governmental restrictions after the financial crisis a good 12 years ago. Most of them had too many of their assets tied up in bad long term loans that the loan takers could not afford to pay once the land and house prices fell. This in return meant that the banks had less short term liquidity to pay their own loans with and this made some of them technically insolvent.
Generally it is. A company that is making a product or offering a service that doesn’t give some amount of customer satisfaction (we’re not just talking individual consumers here) will in the end be doing something no one wants or needs. It’s the main premise for the existence of most companies that they offer a good or service someone needs and in a satisfactory manner that makes the customer want to pay for it.
That’s bad business, because the priority is wrong (the topic was on whether it is the fundamental purpose of the business or not (which is profit maximization)).
It’s exactly like saying “a good house should have a fancy toilet” over “it should be stable”.
When Blizzard created wow do you think they got around a table and said “we must maximise profit” or “We’re nerds who can code and love games and we’re going to make something out of this world!”?
Not denying they’ve lost their way but the main way to make money is to have great products and to please your customers. Making a profit is what happens when you do the fundamentals right.
If you don’t like the Blizzard example, Amazon didn’t make a profit for years and years. Why? Because they knew that value came from having another focus, and that was on growth.
So no, no “good business school” preaches this.
Anyway, as they say, you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink. Wallow in your ignorance.
A business isn’t just there to make a profit or satisfy customers, without one the other will not happen.
Without profit a company can survive but without customers a company will soon fold.
When you look at Blizzard I don’t think the first thing they did was make profit, they probably got together, got some capital and made a game then sold it to the customers. They then took the money, some of which was profit and made another game, and so on while growing.
A business usually has a plan on how they will move forward and this should include both profit and customers.
It’s fantastic how hypocritical your post is. First you admit that Blizzard currently is for profit (questionable if they ever weren’t but let’s assume that’s true) and then you admit their goal is profit since you say they do all those “please the customers” things …in order to have profit in the long term.
But keep acting like a narcissistic child if it gives you the delusion you’re right.
why am i not surprised to see another thread you reply in end in a “my dad is better than yours” bickering match.
i do hope one day you see the error of how you approach things as i don’t genuinely think you are a bad person, but blind to how passive aggressive your post style is.
Short term gains over long term viability? Short term is only good for investors who can sell their stocks rather than for the well-being of the company itself since instead of slow but stable growth they can just sink to hell as a consequence of their short term greed
activision is one of the biggest gaming companies in the world. it is a publisher-producer of games. including COD.
so yeah, they make LOTS of money, wow is [probably] just minuscule of their earnings.
and i dont blame them for firing non-essential employees. its not like they are going to keep people who arent really doing anything.
about the high bonuses for ceos. well, they are ceos. the money they make is only by the profits of the company, they can either make money or not make money at all.
employees must get paid no matter what by law, ceos make according to the revenue.
Nice strawman. I never said if the profit will be long-term or short-term. I know you have the delusion I am stupid but I have thought of that a lot; they MAY BE WRONG that their profits are higher in the long term; I also think they may be losing profits if they make a worse game even if the profits are higher in the short term (e.g. with grinding excessiveness or the 6-month-sub mounts) etc. but that doesn’t mean they know that or they believe that (or that it is that way).
And this, people, is why we should all make sure we have parental controls over what our children write on the internet.
They seem awfully obsessed with Homosexuality for some reason. I am sure they will be able to tell us why, when they are secure enough in themselves. It is 2021, they have no need to feel ashamed, it is not a shameful thing in the slightest.
They do seem rather agitated however, in their constant invective and capitalisation. Perhaps a nice lie down with some calming warm milk may gentle their condition.
I mean they will almost certainly get a rest on the naughty step of the Forums for their deplorable inability to communicate without insulting others. Perhaps this will be a period of reflection for them to contemplate not flying straight into insult as punctuation mode, who knows, perhaps they will spend that time shouting incoherently at their computer screen, calling it homosexual, and scrawling a Top Ten list of their favourite mass murdering dictators and writing poetry that makes people cry and drawing pictures of women with daggers for eyes because the girl in the year above them turned them down when they asked them out?