With the classic bank system, every time you need any item/s that you keep in your bank to finish the quest, it is withdrawn automatically, and you successfully finish the quest. The same works for item crafting.
With warband bank, it doesn’t work like that at all. If you keep the necessary reagents in your warband bank, the quest shows as “ready to complete”. But you can’t finish it as you have no reagents in your bags. So you need to go to your warband bank, withdraw the necessary item/s and then finish the quest.
Is it just me? Am I delusional?
It’s not just you, I’ve noticed it too. Same also happens when trying to buy items from DF vendors. The vendor shows you have the items and the item is available but if the items needed are in your Warbank you can’t actually buy it.
Hoping it’s a bug and not intentional as it kinda defeats the purpose of warbanks.
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And crafting orders can’t be fullfilled with mats in warbank either
Indeed, which is just silly and goes against the purpose of the War Bank
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