WL Bugs in Arena atm (16 unsolved bugs since forever)

For demonology, your imps and tyrant should basically attack the target you are attacking, and Hand of Gul’dan works as the target switcher spell, (either hog or damage enough a new target to make your imps/tyrant swap) but some very fun moments happen when your tyrant A: Attacks a completely different target, B: Does not swap at all, and this is incredible when your opponent uses immunities like divine shield or cloak.

Succubus seduction not launching even if succubus is in range and you are smashing the button with the force of a trillion suns.

Dreadstalkers not giving every time stacks of demonic cores when disappearing.

Nether ward not reflecting all spells which the tooltip clearly states it should do.

Rogues should REALLY consider not typing anything about warlocks, because you’re the only class that still managed to escape ANY major pruning and thus are all way overtuned. At least you still have your entire toolkit. More often than not, vanish works IN your favor, it’s been a LONG time where it mattered that my RoF puts me to +combat, and where I could attack the Rogue BEFORE getting opened.

So shush. Warlocks have to deal with multiple quite crippling bugs every expansion. Not to downplay that when Vanish bugs, its crippling too… but c’mon.

I never played with arena 1 2 3 because I just don’t want to rely on the groups matching up. I know there a ways to manipulate it, but call me old school. If I need a button for a specific target, I just put the name and server in the tar modifier and call it a day.

As the other person said, though, ever since the bfa split of the imp ability, it’s unreliable as hell. I’ll rather take my time to manually target my mate and press the macro. It’s a bit distracting and might lose a few milliseconds, but it’s reliable, it takes me the time to actually pay attention to the LoS of the mate that needs the dispel and assures me that it will go through when it absolutely needs to.

The arena 1 macro should work, but I wouldn’t count on it. It’s been so bad that I can’t even rely on my target name specific macro any more and I always just manually target and dispel. Using raid-style party frames (Blizzard UI) for party helps in seeing if the target is afflicted.

Also a neat tip is, if you use the imp to also damage stuff, and don’t have a free keybind for his Flee ability, I macroed that in aswell.

This is what I currently use:
/use Singe Magic
/use Flee

I believe this is correct mechanic
similar to mass entanglement and cleave spells

command demon goes on cd but u can still /cast [pet] seduce

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