*and I’m not being passive-aggressive here really asking
Why is it that people complain about huge alliance groups dominating areas of the map for the quest (thus not leaving horde players much of a fighting chance) and at the same time support the notion of ganking in WPVP?
It’s the same discrepancy of powers, where one side dominates the other, and it has the same potential to really really annoy the dominated side.
The horde ganked us all the way up until Patch 8.1 i remember farming ore within stormsong vally when suddenly around 50 horde players ambushed me i had To Righteous retreat and when suddenly The Alliance gets a fair war mode the horde dosen’t even have the guts to fight us they just come onto the forums stating this ain’t horde mode blizzard nerf Alliance buff horde. LIke the children those hordies are.
its true it is crap when it happens to your side. I think the reason the horde complained is that the alliance was being rewarded for such actions while the horde would recive nothing for defending themselves.
This ment that the Alliance quest was encouraging some of the worst behavour in pvp to maximize getting their reward while the horde had no equivelent. Since sharding is still a issue this also ment that the alliance would get a reward and buff even if they were on shards that they outnumbered the horde.
No i’m not you think i am but i’m not i bet you’re one of those hordies there claimed that jaina she was a dreadlord while she’s not you will tell any lie as long as it gets you salty hordies satisfied.
nah she just snapped when garrosh dropped the bomb, cant blame her for doing that. This expansion gave her much needed development from that point. Nah my hatred is towards Genn the war criminal for his actions at stormhein and anduin for being a horribly written character.
Still, odd you turned what was ment as a more neutral statment to be a anti horde one. was mearly commenting that the nature of the quest was unfair to everyone, I wouldnt doubt if the horde got it they would have done similar.
Gen he lost his son to sylvanas if anything sylvanas’s the war criminal and he did right by saving Eyir else she’s been imprisioned by the lich queen and then we’d been have to nuke undercity.
he still attacked the horde during the legion invasion unprovoked that in itself is a warcrime and he never recived any reprucusions even though he broke anduins orders. Aditional meterial showed this was why certain figures in the horde were ok with attacking darkshore at the start (should have been ingame as thats a major point).
I did the quest on alliance and you see he even filled the ship with anti horde people including the one that gunned down all those surrendering prisoners in pandaria.