WM bonus clarification

Well, how do you know? Have any proof? Something that’s not your feelings, speculations or that example when you met an Alliance group and wasn’t in a group yourself.

But you calling it a lie because it suits you is OK, right?

Thank you! We all are going to, I’m sure.

And then you’ll have that 30% and free CPs and won’t be jealous so much?

Is that a prophecy? Can you see the future? WOW! Tell us MOAR!

You understand that nobody, and I mean nobody at all, is going to think that. Because ether Horde gets 30% and we go another round and round. Or WoW failed because of everything else (not a War Mode), and it’s just nobody plays it or cares.

Drama failed… try jokes next time.

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Honestly when I play at more ‘‘quiet’’ hours like in the morning or at night and an assault is up, I pretty much only see hordes and barely alliances

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If you turn on WM for the rewards and not for the pvp, please stop whining about it.

I play this game for the story, and a big part of that is the faction war / pvp content. I have ALWAYS played on pvp realms - even before I got XX% amounts of extra reward for it.

Why? Because pvp is fun. The best and strongest players play pvp - so that is the greatest challenge :slight_smile:

Getting ganked? Get better and fight back instead of crying on the forums :dagger:

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I think the problem is spawned by the sharding. Both sides build raids, if you are not in one you end up in a shard, where the enemy faction (a raid) dominates. Solo or small group players will have the feeling of the opposite side always dominating.
Another problem is that without sharding the game would be totally unplayable, because if 2 larger groups end up in the same shard everything dies down in terrible lag.

Another reason for the split why Horde seems to have higher numbers (so no better bonus) might be that players that are more attached to the lore might divide by war > horde, peace > alliance. This might not be true for all, but I guess at least many.

Also as said in another thread: I would love it that the alliance reward would go/drop/only be PvP based so warmode goes back to being optional.

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