WM bonus not worth it

I tried WM, maybe you could say I tried to make it work.

It’s just not worth it while leveling if any bored 120 that decided to do get his loremaster/exalted with WM on can just one shot me.

I might not yield honor for said 120 but there’s also no reason for him not to do it.

Sure you might find any excuse you want for why world PvP is dead (like flying), but if that’s the taste you leave for new players don’t be surprised you can’t get new players hooked on world PvP.

Yes just turn it off is your best bet.


Its not even worth it at max lvl

25% more rewards for what? getting spawntrapped/killed by assa rogues, fury warriors & demonhunters

Thats why i turned it off :stuck_out_tongue:

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Good choice.

Wpvp was always dead because of how players abuse it.

During WoD in defias brotherhood a 50/50 realm, ive had 3-4 groups with healer and dps ganking solo players. There was no flying back then neither WM off/on, still you couldnt walk because the typical LFR hero that was unable to play arenas was spawncamping you in a group of 5 just to waste his time and yours.

Found this group in pandaland, their DK was courageous enough to duel me 1v1 while his lock+rdruud was afk or observating… He started running away as his lock started to burst me and died off my DoT’s…AKA unable to play alone.

Returning after legion, during BFA season 2 i opened up WM once on this monk while i was leveling in voldun, 4 alliance @120 chased me half map while i was like 117 or smthing.

Opened it again now for some achievs in naz, found a pala 3 times he insta bubbled and before his bubble was over 4 of same server(silvermoon) jumped on me.


Turn it off, WM off is time efficient mode. Unless you wanna do any achiev or whatever, dont waste your time vs 5 people that chase you down.

WPVP was, is and always be for those who cant play the game and are desperate to do something in this game :rofl:

I’m doing the achievement right now, still need 100 honor in zuldazar and 100 in voldun to get the world pvp meta achievement done. After it’s done it will go off until shadowlands for sure and if there is no world pvp metaachievement in shadowlands it will stay off for good.

The problem is that the bonus is hard coded and not based on the current shard/phase (or whatever it is). Alliance have the 25% bonus even when they outnumber horde 5-10 times (it’s not rare).
Also these shards are far from balanced, and the difference is usually big.

WM could be a good thing but the sharding implementation is bad :frowning:

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If you like WPvP WM is great, but PvEers make the mistake thinking there are any rules in WPvP. Turn it off and they should be happier in zones.

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Those were good times. Shrike on alliance vs the Shade on horde. We had some epic battles. We had a thing going where we put bounties on each others heads, and we would spend a lot of time hunting down individual players to kill and camp, which always turned into big wpvp battles.

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