WM is for PvP first, PvE second

WM is for PvP, but it is also for PvEers too. They serve a purpose in WM, and encouraging them to WM with a bonus was a good idea. I see PvEers as filling the civilian/cannon fodder role in WM. This makes WM a richer PvP experience for WPvPers.

But if you are thinking that WM is mainly for PvE… take a look at the category Blizz put the WM forum into. It’s the PvP category.

If you want to WM for the PvE benefits. No problem, but expect to be ganked. It will happen. Always has, always will. This is WPvP. Expecting something to be different from what it was deliberately designed to be, you will never be happy with WM.

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Just wanted to add one thing:

It doesn’t matter what faction you play - you will be ganked in War Mode, and it won’t be more or less - you’ll just be ganked, it’s a part of the deal.

You have tools to solve it, but to use them or not - it’s up to you and nobody else.

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