WM isnt free buff for horde

So turn it off like lot of alliance did for last months, you will help with balance :slight_smile:


Must say, it is quite entertaining seeing how the horde now is complaining a lot on the forums because things have changed out in the world now. Finally it has started to be more equal out in the world when it comes to pvp, Alliance is still heavily outnumbered though, but I do enjoy it a lot to see how quickly horde starts complaining over something that has been a way bigger problem for the alliance, from the launch of this expansion.


I’d like to point out that most needed a 30% non pvp reward to get coaxed into wpvp so there’s plenty of mutual amusement at the situation
When the 30% drops because youre scaring off the horde 10%ers who bloated the horde pop (this is a good thing) to broken levels I wouldnt be suprised to see a complete exodus of Alliance again until they get the buff, basically whoever has the buff Will always dominate by large margins and eventually itll Just be a bonus resources mode with optional pvp

This system is unsustainable for the long game


Take it from me, its not going to last.

8.0: alliance cries. Horde says dont cry just turn off WM.
8.1: horde cries. Alliance says dont cry just turn off WM

Absolutely incredible how many rivers are being cried because of a 10% - 30% increased reward on worldquests. If the amount of rivers cried increases, then the rivers and oceans will flood and azeroth will see a 2nd cataclysm


My wm is on since the it was first implemented and never turned off. Also, am happy that they gave the alliance the 30% buff. Am finally getting to enjoy wpvp and it’s more fun/thrilling to venture into zuldazaar/kultiras.


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