Congrats blizz, you made me permanently have my warmode OFF from now on.
I barely see any horde with it ON nowadays so there’s no point to have it on too.
I’m not a super saiyan god to be able to fight vs 10 alliances all alone.
I love world pvp but at this point this is masochism, be it on KulTiras or Zandalar, I can’t do a world quest without confront big groups of alliance.
Having 30% warmode bonus and free weekly item ilvl400 without any disadvantage must feel good… nice balance.
I love wpvp. Getting ganked on the flightpoint is just wrong. Keeping it off until no more shiney for alliance.
Alliance get more xp and free rewards and conquest every week. Unless you really like being ganked it’s pointless to have on as Horde
Now you know what it was like to play for the alliance before the 8.1 patch. I play both for the horde and for the alliance and I remember how I waited 20 minutes to complete my quest on my ally char. And during that time I was killed multiple times by a 5+ horde players.
Oh, and I remember the times when I was ganked at Terrace of the Devoted by a horde raid because of the Call to Arms: Vol’dun quest.
And any dungeon entrance was a HELL for the alliance. If you had warmode enabled it was impossible to use meeting stone. As soon as the lone player of the alliance was at the meeting stone, 40+ horde players immediately attacked him. And now these players say that the alliance can only kill by the crowd. LOL
And now we are at the point where every horde fp is camped by 20+ alliance players farming there quest, sharding doesn’t seem to happen whatsoever to ballance faction population out so as horde you just end up being trashmobs being farmed. This ain’t helping ballancing warmode out whatsover, the only thing this leads to is going to a rotation like warfronts, horde get fedup turn off warmode, buff changes, horde opt back in, alliance get on the receiving end of this and the same thing 'll happen again, overall granting a “rewarding” can’t even say fun playstyle for one faction at a time.
As faction balance improves, alli will lose the pvp quest, and the mini gank squads will ease off.
Then there will either be a slower progress to true balance, or it will wobble between slightly unbalanced and very unbalanced. If that happens, it’s just like the system is taking another pass, reducing the pure pve’ers each time.
Until eventually, hopefully, a nice balance of player types; wpvper, pve wpvper, pve’er. In that order of volume. Suspect wpvper will be in middle tho.
There will always be some gank groups, on both sides. They are as much a part of wpvp as any other aspect. That’s wpvp.
it was fine up intil the last two weeks mate, you run into some alliance you get ganked by a small group fine, you find a loner who attacks you fine, you fight it out, you win some you lose some , thats world pvp, the state it’s been in the last two week is just retarded. There is no incentive as a horde player to endure it now, i couldn’t give a f about the 10% increased reward at this point, this is far beyond the occasional scuffle or gank, its permanently getting hunted wherever you set foot, hell even our own capital is becoming a playground for the alliance. Can’t say i’ve witnessed this sort of bs at the start of bfa when it was mostly horde running around.
Did you join Warmode for the bonus or because you like wpvp?
If its the first I can disregard this thread you see, otherwise you can make the conclusion that the changes are chasing off the wrong people
That said turning it off is the fix because the reward depends on regional balance while it doesn’t seem to effectively balance shards
Did not see that.
I did my quest yesterday evening, took me less than 30 minutes. I couldn’t find any horde around any fp, so i went to Dazal harbor. I find i group, we were 4. Just 4.
We simply had to stay there and wait for horde guys to come one by one to the boat to get chopped, no organization whatsoever, no grouping up, no people moving in togheter. It was a slaughterhouse.
The real question is not why alliance has bonuses, but why so many horde people keep WM when it’s clear they do not want to partecipate in it giving alliance the bonus.
On a side note: it’s kinda nonsense that the wast majority of the npc in Dazal did not touch us.
I turned on warmode so i could enjoy some pvp while venturing out doing my world q and such, the increased rewards barely mattered, the enjoying part atm has dissapeared caus it’s pretty much impossible to get any thing done within an acceptable time frame on account of spending more time running back to my corpse then anything else
What a wuss.
I always have my Warmode on, whether its 1 vs 1 or 1 vs 10 or 1vs20 or 1vs40.
Any attempt of trying to attack me will cause you to suffer from the consequences and it would be non-negotiable. I am a Monster. I will Crush you.
Alliance IS winning. Last assault allies saw no horde. People were asking “wheres hoerd”, “gief hoerd”…
Except all horde got was 10% bonus. Not free Heroic level raid gear and 30% bonus and then free gear every week after that…
nice. it seems blizzards changes are working
Perhaps if all of you boys that have wm on right now would have turned it on in the first place you wouldn’t have been in that position before 8.1
Well their definition of winning seems to be, well on their way to lose there bonusses so it’s all good
The only thing that will make me turn Warmode on is 450 ilvl next tier heroic gear, thank you.
What about option 3?
I want my class to function properly in the open world, without having to turn on warmode to get back spells and interactions I HAD AS BASELINE in the past.
Ah, so availability with PvP talents?
If former baseline Actions were moved to a PvP talent then yeah I dont know what to say beyond you got shafted, ESP since they lowered the amount of PVP talents to choose from and changed how it works
However my comment doesn’t apply to you because it implied desiring a bonus over the wpvp and vice versa and I’m afraid I dont have the answer to your third option either because your question is more about finding the class unplayable without WM options, if you feel like you cant play without those talents I’d say stick with WM for your own sake
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