WM shard Argent Dawn imbalance

So i made a post venting quite a while back at launch regarding playing on a RP server like Ravenholdt/Defias & I had a really decent reply from GM Suluskasur (Thank you ) regarding sharing a shard with Argent Dawn & how that server if rumors are correct its over 80 Alliance, However yet again we will have a new War mode imbalance and Horde exclusion as every crate drop we will face a red sea of Alliance, its a shame Blizz still haven’t come up with a fix for extremely skewed servers, hopefully if more of us can make a bit of noise about the issue it maybe addressed…

If anyone is interested here is the original reply to my ticket

*Thank you very much for contacting us and waiting patiently our response. I’m Game Master Suluskasur and I’ll be the one checking your ticket today.

I see you have some feedbacks regarding World of Warcraft realm population and faction balance.

Let me give this situation a deeper look.

I know for a fact that feeling like we are being excluded is far from the ideal. As a player myself, I can totally get the feeling around it.

Regarding the realm population and faction balance, as this is a game mechanic, You did the right thing by reporting it through forum pages.Our developers are always checking our forum pages to check any feedback provided by our community, this can help them prioritizing the game based on real circumstances.

I will be also passing it on to our Quality Assurance team but we do encourage you to also raise your voice on the feedback feature.

https ://support.blizzard.com/article/000021518

I really wish I could be the one assisting you here but while Customer Support can handle a ton of issues, one thing we’re limited with are game mechanics, since we aren’t able to fully investigate, verify, or manually change the technical aspects of them as we don’t have the tools or the Know-How to verify the Game system.

Regarding the achievement Blood Bank as there are no known issues with it, Customer Support is unable to grant credit for it.

Our developers are always open to improve our game mechanics based on player’s comments.

Here is a link for the World of Warcraft forum page:

https: //eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/

Once again, thank you very much for reaching out to us. Feel free to contact us if you need any further information, we are always here for you.

I hope you’re doing well and keeping safe during these hard times, take care!

Game Master Suluskasur *melting turning into water going back to the sea **


Hop realm like every other horde player does, seems to work? It won’t likely be addressed simply cause of how sharding works, so in the mean time I’d advise using LFG be it your own or somebody elses since this won’t be an immediate fix by any means I can imagine.

Because its a RP server first and foremost, its phased with RP realms exclusively to my knowledge. Anyone from other realms are usually invited into the shard, vice versa.

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Funnily enough i started playing my horde characters almost exclusively due to the reason you listed eventhough im an ally main. I love warmode n simply got bored of the lack of people to fight, im able to secure several loot chests on my own as horde you just have to fight dirty n be creative.

Do keep in mind that while ally do indeed outnumber horde substantially in warmode on AD, players as a whole consider warmode “free extra rewards, no strings attached” which is why i get tons of rage pm´s after killing people in warmode who considers me attacking them in warmode to be griefing. I want to add that i almost exclusively run around solo so im not forming groups of any kind.

My main issues with warmode balancing is actually how many people run around with a tank spec, something i think should be nerfed into oblivion in PvP, im talking “damage taken increased by 800%, damage dealt decreased by 90%” level of debuff. They are obnoxious. Theres also alot of groups running around with pocket healers which of course also is extremely unbalanced in warmode since theres no dampening n such but i still consider healers fair game to a certain extent, i guess im against grouping in general since i personally prefer soloing n it just feels cheap to pair up with a healer.

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Only way to solve this is for more people to play horde on the rp servers. You can’t mix them with the normal servers cause then you will end up with non rpers griefing and ruining rp for the rpers. There used to be a guild of undead frequently visiting SW for this exact purpose.

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To be fair if people roleplay in warmode thats their own issue to deal with, i think mixing the clusters would be an excellent option. although an even better option since blizz killed off the faction wars would be to simply make it “outlaw” mode n make anyone not in your current party a hostile target no matter faction. This would also let horde n ally freinds play warmode together n we already have free for all zones working exactly like that so i dont see any technical issues either with it. Make warmode a free for all, remove guards from everywhere that isnt the capital cities n call it a day. Having guards everywhere is extremely annoying, being in warmode is optional so if people cant handle getting killed theres the option to turn it off. Its very tireing to see people acting entitled to increased rewards from warmode but start sending death threats in PM when they actually get attacked. Has happened to me on multiple occasions.


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