Sometimes when I try to kite the boss in fires near the edge , he doesn’t get the fire debuff. And other times fires just despawn right when it’s about to hit the boss. Anyone else experience this?
I don’t know about not getting the fire buff. I do remember one run where our tank had 3 fires in a row that despawned just as the boss was about to enter it, which is weird because the tank was actively going for fires for the last 30 seconds to try and clear a debuff.
Not a fan of this boss in the current DF iteration honestly.
When fires are on the edge ( near the fence) the boss just dont go into them or if it does the mechanic doesn’t work.
it is bad timing.
Fires that spawn last for a certain amount of time and if you are chasing the fires that happen to appear 1 minute (or whatever the timer is) ago, then you might always get disappearing fires one after another.
Try to look out for the recent spawned fire and walk into that.
The fires on the edges seem to be always there, maybe that is why they dont work
Fires exist long enough to make the boss run to them from a fair distance, just that one scenario where they disappeared really fast. Not sure why
Yeah, they despawn, but you don’t have to keep him in the end of the courtyard where he spawns. You can take him right out to the middle of the courtyard to get him in fire. He only despawns if you go inside the building.
Good to know, my tank buddy always was a little anxious about where he can pull him.
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