WoD CM weapons, remix? trading post?

I feel like its time to introduce this to the game again. I completely understand people that went through the Challenge Mode period and actually got them well deserved but at this point i just think that you shouldnt gatekeep great designs in the game that makes it actually more fun to play. I would really like to see us maybe get some recolors of the WoD weapons in a remix maybe or as a expensive trading post item.

Hope everyone has a great day as well :slight_smile:

“I feel like its time to introduce this to the game again”
I also feel like it’s time to bring back all the old glad mounts, lets put them on the trading post as well. Might as well put Atiesh and Corrupted Ashbringer on as well while we’re at it ^^

PS. Also the Scarab Lord mount

There are some things I also would like to have which are not obtainable anymore, but then I think about how much stuff I collected over the last 14 years and how much I can still get, if I want to.
People always think about and want what they don’t have or can’t get, instead of being happy with what they already have or can get. :man_shrugging:

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This ^ 100 percent

Absolutely no. I have the DK one and i worked my behind off to get it as a casual it was hard for me so i dont want all that to be in vain. Though i do think that if you done it and has the achievements that you can buy other classes you didn’t do it on. Cause feels weird that you could do that with the weapons in WoD

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Yea, if you earned the achi for one set (class) it should unlock the rest, as the item for the WoD challenge mode weps do/did.

how is your personal achievment gonna be in vain in any way shape or form, you still got the achievments to show off for?
What about those who found it easy to do, people that boosted this 4 man?

Edit: NOTHING another person has is going to take away your stuff, you still got it yourself. Weird that if someone else got something you have, you get upset about it.

Bet you farm old mythic raids for transmogs? well, don’t, as people who actually raided it would feel in vain about you having transmogs.

I got magetower appearances f.example, couldn’t care if it got brought back.
stop this fomo bullcrap.

Why not? I mean maybe not on trading post, but in one way or another, like BMAH, or glad mounts could be brought backt through reaching glad and earning tokens by still winning matches at high rating in current seasons, think that’s fair. People who got it back in the day, still have their achievments to flex with.

What about those people who got t3 back in the days, raiding their butts off, they need to see their tier set on BMAH, or even easier now by FARMING it through the naxx thing and craft it?
Zulian tiger? well BMAH. Brutosaurus people farmed their butt off for, BMAH, even the new one in the shop?

What about every mythic raider that progressed through the expansions, why isn’t that gear locked? nah, you can farm it solo after a couple expansions.

I see no reason for gatekeeping anything, or locking stuff behind FOMO. It’s been years, put it out again, one way or another, a challenge, trading post, BMAH. bring it all back :slight_smile:

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