WoD wasn't so bad after all

WOD sucked donkeys behind bad, but BFA should be put into a dictionary meaning something so bad it has no words and should be deleted totally.

I mean in WoD I made alts and had eh “fun” raided and all that stuff, progressing meant something.

Now my weekly highlight in BfA is to try and get the missing tranmogs from legacy raids, since BfA to me is pure aids and no raids.

Everything that made every other expansion good for me has bein nerffed or removed, everything must be behind rng or timegate.

So far Ive gone mental and leveled 7 120s, in the past at this point I had 20 max lvls.

And as every other expansion this expansion also has the privilege of bein the most ally bias expansion so far, with crying and moaning of warmode bein tossed their way (suprised? not really), again horde loses atleast 1 leader and 0 alliance leaders in new raid.

Everything is pure rng atop of rng atop of rng.

No tier sets, everyone would be running looking 90% same if not for transmogs.

BfA has multiple times now won its place as the worst expansion.


I enjoyed raiding back in WoD and the “old” Outland too, Draenor was well designed but…

garrisons ruined everything. They were fun at start but then we got fed up. Then they added ship missions… Jees :expressionless: and on top of that, dont forget economy blew up for good back then…

TL;DR: It was fun but had serious flaws. For me, a 5/10

Thing is, we are level 120 now, next expansion 130, that’s a lot, either they super inflate us with abilities or we get a fresh start.

I think a better way is to introduce spell upgrades rather than revamps, Mutilate becomes venomous mutilate for example.

so you start sinister strike > upgraded to mutilate > upgraded to venomous mutilate.

I very much like the amount of buttons we have now, thou I’d like more flavor ones but the core ones are fine.

That would work too, but personally i always said that at this point it would be much better if they could somehow squish levels a little bit, so we can actually have something to gain every few levels, either be it ability, passive or talent, right now they are far too “spread” and it feels boring and unexciting.

Let alone that if i was a new player and saw that i have to go through 130+ lvls i would feel soooo demotivated.

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I believe the best solution is to introduce a kind of world revamp and a level reset tbh, give us some legacy achievements, everyone starts fresh etc.

Lore wise it won’t be a problem, just like the artifacts powers got sucked off we could be " drained of power ", die and reincarnate, lose our memory, whatever troupe there is but this whole 120 levels is too much specially since we have quests that most people have done over 10 times now.

True, true.

Plus the world revamp would help with the whole time-jump in every continent, like… you jump from cataclysm to outland or northrend and vice versa to cataclysm or mop…

I feel sorry for new people.

Let alone that the early levels the quest design is quite old school, they definitely need revamp.


Nah, do not do another Cataclysm and do the revamp of the world. It just won’t work out.
Intead steamline it.

Make leveling in a timezone, 1-10 is beggining, 10-35 is Vanilla, 35-45 is Outland, 45-55 is wotlk, 55-65 MoP, 65-75 WoD, 75-85 Legion and 85-95 is BfA.
;For the love of god stretch leveling so we can experience whole ex-xpac stories through these 10 levels, remember when it took ages to level up? I miss those times in comparison to BfA Launch where I was max lvl in less than week and was already clearing Mythic dungeons…;
Not just a scaling, freck scaling. Make us go through the events of the Azeroth in a proper timeline as we level up and squish our levels a bit. Refresh the leveling, making it so unless you’ve reached the level required for events to happen you cannot see the map for Outland or Northrend and so forth.

Go wild with Phasing and instead of small shards phase people into the timelines brackets in a big server-like shards which don’t constanly flickle in and out.

And for love of god bring back the rpg elements into the game. Unique effects, various stats, buying skills by paying npc’s to teach us instead of just “unlocking” them, unique class mechanics really distinguishing each class and last but not least make crafted gear far supperior to the one we can acquire in the world. Make professions worth it, and increase the crafting mats.

Old Zone nodes (there is multitude of materials in the game - just make alchemists, jewelcrafters etc. process them together with new ones for stronger mats) / Raiding / Dungeons instead of just providing gear would drop mats of various rarity and out of these we forge our gear which in my opinion is sweet spot between vendors in the past / current gearing system.

I started playing in WoD cuz I wanted to play mmoRPG, what I got since legion is just an old bore semi-action-mmo with subpar story and just few elements of rpg’s.
Current game is all about skipping everything for end-game and the end-game sucks hard. Make WoW about the journey to the top, where people can connect with their characters instead making an army of alts in hopes of connecting to one but failing to do so in the end.


I’m so sorry for your loss :stuck_out_tongue:


hey guys just here to thank you all for reminding me how much I hate this community I definitely agree wtih all of your ideas

There is no point to comparing… BFA it’s good Expansion in his own way. Anyway at the end of BfA we can say if the expansion was good or not.
I don’t miss the Garrison … or the World where was nothing to do at all … or the Raids wich wasn’t released … Shattrath and etc …

Problem with BFA Isn’t about it being worse than WOD. It definitely isn’t.

the problem is that legion showed such promise in the end. And then blizzard took multiple steps back with the new expansion. People kind of had their hopes up with the new expansion but it ended up being disappointing.

Problem isn’t it being bad. It’s being worse than what it should or could have been.

Wod was fine the classes were more balanced than now, leveling was better, there was a difference between pvpers and pvers and the best thing was Ashran, all day in ashran farming gear and honor-conquest the best thing ever!


Oh it was, and still is. It’s the biggest trash pile of an experience I’ve had.

Fill me in. You talk as if you’ve played this game for years, but then you come with this at the end.

However, your comments about Legion storyline does reveal that you either just don’t like the story, or you’re missing vital elements that has built up over the years. The Legion storyline had plenty of strong and important lore elements that we’ve been introduced to long time ago. It was pretty awesome finally getting there.

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Correction: *If you like m+, pvp, raiding or useless, futile grinding…

If you don’t like any of it, why did you ever play the game?

Nope, WoD is still the worse expansion up to this day.

Everything about it wasnt bad but I cant put a finger on something that was better than any other expansions

But WoD was years ago, wasn’t it? Beside that I am one of newer players and yet somehow I am already disconnected from the story / game mechanics. What does it say? Maybe the veterans are just tainted with sentiment and game is in a much worse state that they think?

Storywise Legion was great up till 7.1.5, but tanked hard in 7.2 and onwards to the point I unsubbed untill month before BfA. And in BfA it doesn’t really make sense why we’re actually in a open faction war…

I mean, sure there are differences of opinion but the whole war is just pointless and overall story narrative doesn’t make sense. It’s like "Hey we just beaten the Legion with a combined might of our order halls, let’s go slaughter each other in the name of a factions that were absent the whole time!! REEEEEEEEE " I mean c’mon!

And yes, beside Nobbel lore videos I do not have recollection of “vital elements that built up over the years”. I am newer player that is experiencing current story and it sucks.

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The faction war section of BFA is absolutely terrible, I totally agree on that. I do however love the Drustvar storyline, and learned to appreciate the story of the old gods and Jaina’s line in Tiragarde. Both Stormsong and Tiragarde had to grow on me though, once I learned to seperate shallow side quests from the main story.

Back to Legion; I do not disagree that it is bad that newer players can’t catch on to the story, but I am not able to tell how it feels from a new player’s perspective since I was here from the start(vanilla), which is why I said this part is something that could indicate that you were indeed rather new. For me Legion had some of the major lore aspects which goes back to my introductions to warcraft lore. These were factors that I picked up in vanilla and TBC, which might explain why you didn’t get the connection. Many of these details might have been lost through the Cataclysm too, for all I know. I never really finished questing through the rewamped world. Another point is that you play horde(?). The Scythe of Elune(Balance druid artifact) was first introduced to me through questing in the original Ashenvale in 2006. The story of the Emerald Dream and the Emerald Nightmare went much through druid lore(my favourite class), and much of the nightelven side of it(can’t speak for horde here). Cenarius, Tyrande and Malfurion too. Then there’s Argus, and Sargeras. We actually reached it. First heard of in my case, back in 2007(TBC). Back then I was curious of Argus, and I had guildies saying “we will probably never see Argus”. Maiev I first met thought the Black Temple attunement. Suramar was a great bonus. I had not catched any story of this city(quite odd, thinking of it now), but I knew about the nightwell(another major lore aspect which had captured my attention from the start)…

So yeah, maybe there is a big gap there that should have been filled. I knew of these things from before. I did not know about the Highmountain Tauren, but the Vrykul was known from WotLK in my case.

WoD wasn’t that good, but in my personal opinion it wasn’t as horrible as many make it out to be either. For me, the expansion came as a breath of fresh air. During Cataclysm, I was for the most part suffering from WotLK-withdrawal and the new zones filled me with sadness instead of excitement.
After that came mists, and the overall theme of that entire expansion was not something I liked at all. Sure, the zones were pretty, well done and all, but I never really felt at home in Pandaria at all.

WoD had me excited about WoW again. Landscapes I could easier relate to, and even if the gameplay relied too much on the Garrison, I actually liked the feature. They could have backed down abit on its features, but overall I liked building and maintaining it. The questing, stories, zones and the music was in my opinion great.

What WoD lacked a lot of though, was the stream of content. Stuff were cut instead of added. I don’t think that the majority of the playerbase crave new raids and immersive zones every two weeks, but something inbetween. A selfie-cam as the only new gameplay element in 6.1 didn’t exactly do it for me.

All in all, I think they learned alot from WoD.


I am going to have to disagree with the OP here, though mind you, this is down to personal opinion.

Let us pretend that Legion never happened for a moment. Now, think about all the features that Legion brought to the game that were brought over to BfA, such as Mythic+, world quests, new animations, the new transmog system, and PVP-only abilities. Now, let us pretend that these features don’t exist anymore.

Do you really honestly believe that WoD was better? And that is not even touching the elephant in the room: garrisons. Yes, they were nice sometimes. It was nice to sometimes be in your own private little place, but revisionists often forget that the entire expansion was centered around the Garrison, after Blizzard promised that it would be optional. Everything you did from questing to raiding to PVP always, somehow, pointed back to your garrison.

The garrison was completely antithetical to what an MMO should be. It really was the time when WoW truly felt like a single player game. Again, it is certianly nice to have a place to be alone, but overwhelmingly, players hated being forced to be there most of the time.

EDIT: Oh, and let’s not forget that WoD was responsible for the great purge of class abilities. Mists of Pandaria is often thought to be the expansion when classes, overall, were best designed. WoD ended that in a very sad way.

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