Wondering about Heirlooms

Hi since I can’t see a detailed answer from Blizzard about this topic I wanted to ask.
When the raids open on Wednesday the 30 of May. Will all of the heirlooms be upgraded to work for 80-85 levelling experience or will it just be the guild heirlooms(cloak and head slot items)?

Additional question if a Blizzard employee reads this post: Any plans to add extra slots like legs and shield heirlooms into the game instead of the joyous journey buff?
And for the love of god Can we have reputation account bound? (It’s fun the first time around but after that…:slightly_smiling_face:)

Legs will come in MoP.

Don’t think theres a set date when the looms will go to 85, it will just come sometime during first tier.

Reputation accountbound hasn’t been a thing, since ever ? Not even Dragonflight has it.
So i doubt that.

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Hi they wrote that heirlooms would work for 85 when the raids would open, but did not Give any detail on if it would be all looms or just the new guild heirlooms, I know they legs and shield came in cata but it was just a question if they had any plans to let us have them now in this version of cataclysm, but the reputation idea could also be implemented like this maybe: get exalted and have an optional tabard you could buy wich would be account bound wich could be used on alts and give example 100% + reputation to that faction in dungeons/quest(similar to the guild one) but would work from 1-85 not just max level heroics. Just a pure speculation to improve player experience since they would already have completed the reputation grind once and would incentivise people to have alts and more enjoyable gameplay. Just my opinion not a flat out request :slightly_smiling_face: think the vanilla mentality should be kept in the past for vanilla era content :saluting_face: now days people optimise everything in games and this would just be a extra reward for having completed the reputation before

I hear ya, they did transmog different for example by being able to collect without keeping the items in your bag/bank.
That type of collection was much later, Legion maybe ?

But unless it benefits them by dev time, as with transmog, to not need to bother making the void storage work for example. Or theres a huge demand, it won’t happen.

The 100% increased for alts comes in MoP to, so you’ll most likely see it then.

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