Wondering if people still truly like WoW

Of course it cant get as epic as before,we’ve been playing wow for years now…I still have ton of nostalgia.

In fairness I played star wars galaxies before wow and even that was more epic in scale. But WoW did have a level of excitement when you entered new areas for the first time to find out what that new Indiana Jones dungeon was like. Or to see that first dragon.

Considering Star Wars I traveled for about 20 mins across the desert on the back of a dewback to find the pit OF THE MIGHT SARLA… “You have discovered the pit of sarlac”.

It’s a hole in the sand. With. Nothing in it. No hearth stones. No fast travel. I’d stored my mount. 30mins of walking in a straight line back. As you needed a camp kit to get your mount out.

Ah. Games.

heh but don’t you know everything is a hunter weapon even stuff that can’t be used by hunter like shields :stuck_out_tongue:

i played SWG too was a pub 9 jedi :smiley: until they ruined it

I think game still could feel epic if we went back to d&d style of the game. The next expansion is the best moment to do it too cause they can reshape Azeroth while we’re in afterlife.

I like leveling the zone the music and dwarfs I just do not care at all about the forced endgame stuff around raiding or m+ dungeons.

I wish there was more stuff to do in open world more zones like Suramar. The open world is the best part of wow its what originally draw me into this game.

What also would make the game lot more enjoyable is if they would stop trying to reinvent talent systems every damn expansion and would just choose one and go with it.

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there must always be a new talent system don’t you know it’s the law why keep stuff that works that just so boring - ion most likely

I unlocked Jedi after becoming a master Tailor. Chef. And exotic dancer. The things I could do with a cream cake.

Then the “combat upgrade”. That’s where it ended for me.

I still love wow.

I do have issues mostly personal though.

  1. Not being in a guild for so long has made me play the game at basic content, get bored really easy without real progression.

  2. Random bgs have become a bit of a mess, more than what I remember back in WoD or Legion.

i did the 32 profession grind :smiley: then some pretenders came with their jedi village
the cu was requested though but it went all down hill in nge

I still love WoW. It is, by far, my favorite and main game.

Of course, I have complaints and things I don’t really like, but that is normal. There is no perfect game in which you won’t find a flaw.
The important thing is if you’re actually having fun playing the game.

Hahaha. God. Memories. Yeah I got it at 29 I think. Levelling combat XP on commando for every other spec. Used about 20000 grenades.

There’s a game people could go on all day about PvP imbalance. Perma flopping like a fish. Lol

I’ve been saying that since start of bfa. This game has been lacking outdoor content for years now.

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I say that every time I walk the Dog. Then come home to login.

20 bounty hunters vs one cheeky jedi girl … because unlike later on saber teft was a thing :smiley: i’m not really into pvp in wow though to boring

kinda missed my super tuned JSF granted space content was a bit lacking in jump to lightspeed

:frowning: don’t make fun of me

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I like WoW
I play WoW every day more or less

The forums are mostly a cycle of the same complaints repeated over and over.


please sister we both know your a masochist that’s why your the MVP after all

I still very much love and enjoy the game, but end up playing less and less because I’m always playing solo or with strangers through LFD and LFR. And I do like playing on my own while questing or doing old content… it is just that doing everything on my own all the time in an MMO gets boring.

And before someone tells me “Just join a guild or community and make friends”; I have tried that in every expansion after I stopped raiding and left the guild I was in. It has been impossible for me because most of my online time is early morning and I don’t like to hang out in Discord all the time.

I enjoy the game other wise i wouldn’t play it or pay for it .

The negativity it’s a trend and it started with streamers haters and trolls .

Game is fine they still offer pvp / pve m+ raiding , mount collecting and so on compare to the past expansion which offered way less features .

Game platforms in the past didn’t let slandering , hate threads and all sorts of derailing the game purpose on their forums because they had spine / principles , companies like activision treat people like cashcows and voila free toxicity and negativity .

You misunderstand me

I am not talking about valor for upgrades. I am talking about valor for purchases.

Keep the current gearing pace of 1.5 raid items on average/week, but let us decide which we want to target