I rarely post,just check out what’s going on like once or twice a week,logged out of course.
But i have noticed that huge percentage of people (at least on forums,reddit,mmochampion) are incredibly negative and it sems to me that people basically care only about loot, min maxing,boosting and so on.
To be honest i still like this game and always will no matter what happenes.Of course there’s stuff that pisses me off and would like to see changed but still didnt make me unsub.
The main thing that keeps me playing all these years since TBC is the story fantasy…you know orcs,elves and stuff,music and similiar rpg stuff.All other stuff comes and goes with the upcoming expansions but this core element stays.
Just take a look at classic,it was mauled by min maxing,boosting ,loot greediness and so on,i just cant seem to notice the old vibes.
At the moment im enjoying farming some BGs and listening some good old wow music,take a sit and relax seriously.
I might be wrong but i feel like most people are addicted but cant stop,simple as that.Cheers
I do. Is this another thread where people will just stubbornly call anyone liking wow an addict?
I love to level characters via questing, and collect mogs/mounts/pets.
I just don’t care for max level stuff like mythic+ dungeons & raids anymore and I am far less stressed for it.
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I do all of that,but still take my time and enjoy.
I just don’t have the time I used to. I am spending 2 hours a day on my VR fitness games as well as my other workouts.
It’s nice to play wow a little at the end of the day.
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Try “people who post on forums basically complain only about loot, min maxing,boosting and so on.”
First, the people who post on forums are predominantly a) people who like to post on forums and b) much, much more invested in the game than the vasty bulk of the playerbase. The fact that you don’t post yourself should probably confirm this to you.
There are a few hundred people in Europe who post regularly on the forums, and a few thousand who keep an eye and post occasionally. Probably the same in the US. We’re talking ~0.01% of the players.
Second, people don’t post about “I’m happy with X”, for all values of X, because, even if it’s interesting and everyone likes X, the threads die out quickly. There’s really not much to say if everyone agrees “that’s nice”. I remember two examples of changes that had 99%+ ecstatic reception by players: 1) AoE looting and b) Storage improvements. There were a few threads started on each - I did one myself - but they went nowhere.
You don’t post on your shoe manufacturer’s website if they fit well, but boy oh boy will they hear about it if they pinch many people. And as long as they keep pinching, the threads will keep coming.
You can’t judge the reaction of the playerbase by the forums, or Reddit, or MMO-C. These are Complaints Department, where people come for an argument
i stalk the forum like a vampire even when i’m doing things in the game
I wouldnt mind if they went back to orcs, elves, dwarfs and dragons as main story instead of this crap AFTERLIFE, SPACE EXPLORATION, TIME TRAVEL, GOBLET OF FIRE nonsense.
that ship had already sailed in tbc i guess you’ve hated the plot for a long time then
hm after giving it a thought I have to say that after wod I completely stopped caring about lore. I really enjoyed wod locations, quest lines but after that I simply stopped caring. Legion was a good expansion so I didnt mind zones but bfa and now sl arent world of warcraft to me. no matter how good zones look like I couldnt care less about stupid fairies, vampires or angel dudes
Some aspects of the game are great.
Some aspects are bad, maybe worse than ever. I feel like the community as a whole has never been more toxic, but this is a general issue of the internet rather than one specific to wow.
Some aspects of the game are good, but these are the most painful, as it is evident they could be improved, it is evident how they could be improved, but blizz does nothing.
I doubt you could find a reasonable player that would say ‘no, don’t give me valor points so i can buy whichever 1.5 items on average per week i want, i like the rng from drops’
valor won’t help you if you can’t get the drops in the first place 
I loved old zones like loch modan, arathi highlands, hinterlands, dustwallow marsh cause of castles, villages, aerie peak hub but in newer expansions we travel from camp to camp to kill bears in nearby forest or we have to sit through 15 minutes long escort quests every 5 quests. boooring. I want D&D and LOTR feeling back in the game. Abandon this stupid marvel-esque direction and give us something solid.
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eh it was high fantasy from the start you just choose to ignore it
Yeah. Bring back time travelling dragon gnomes and giant magma and half breed dragon men. …Someone defiantly got the better END of the deal with that cross breed.
Once space goats and USS Argus came around - I knew I needed to have a shot of that blizzard peyote pipe.
I’m convinced they were sitting in a conference room at 5am brain storming ideas when someone rode in drunk on the back of a goat wearing a tinfoil hat. The next day. NEW RACE - SPACE GOATS!
I feel I’ve went slightly off topic. Yes. I enjoy the game but in a totally different way than I did at classic and early days. Back then I’d travel for 20mins on foot to find out that the scarlet monastery could do with a chapter house in stormwind. Or offer a bus service. The game has a less “epic” feel than it did the first time I flew over iron forge into the wetlands and decided for no reason at all other than I wanted to that I’d climb the mountain and get to that airstrip.
Or find that dragon on the cliff edge fighting orcs near black rock mountain.
Now. “Enter dungeon” “leave queue” “NEED 2500 CR+ 4999XP”
Portal to SW? 10s tip has turned into a YouTube subscribe.
sm is how i afforded my 2nd mount in vanilia farming it on my hunter solo
or was it my ret one of the two
biggest annoyence was back then was all the warriors stealing my lightforge armor
This so much. I don’t even know what the heck is going on in sl cause I swear to god I haven’t read single quest log in this expansion. I just don’t care about some fairies living in a tree or Disney vampires even though revendreth looks amazing.
honestly it never felt epic even back then maybe because i came from everquest 1 which actually felt massive and epic vanilla felt subpar i would never have played it if not for friends dragging me into it
Haha. I mained a hunter. Accusing people of stealing items would be a tad hypocritical of me.
Oh a nice…HUNTER ITEM!!
Oh ok. That loo… HUNTER IIIITEM.