Word of Glory for Prot Pally costing 1/10th of my mana

Ever since I started playing prot pala in Legion, Light of the Protector(now replaced by Word of Glory, and I sort of get why), the generic self-heal which you could make into a party/raid heal as well, has basically costed no mana at all, either had a cd or holy power requirements.

Now, randomly, not even at the start of the season, in the middle of it basically, my spec gets randomly gutted by having my Word of Glory cost as much as a Flash Heal, which was really only used in emergencies, so most often in high m+ where there’s party damage going around left and right, if I want to try and save a party member and help the healer out, I run out of mana, and even if I use it on myself, I still run out of mana.

Maybe it should still cost mana after, but not a ridiculous amount like 1/10th of my overall with no prior warning, in the middle of the season. I feel incredibly weak compared to before 10.1.5 dropped, no clue why they’d do this.


They need to implement a mana refund on self healing. If not just revert 10.1.5 prot pala mana changes… Right now you cannot be required to spam dispell and self heal or you oom over longer tyr fight or fort bracken. Flash of Light is literally unpressable now with how pathetic the heal to mana cost is, while before it was fair use as asap small heal cause we had no other heavy mana cost spell to use. Tbf this change doesn’t really afect raid at least since you never need to spam dispell in raid but m+ utility went way down for no reason.


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