Word order bugged, crafted 1 item used 2 charges

Logged in today had 3 orders left, crafted one ring for some guy for 20g and now i’m down to 1 order left?

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Same thing here. Today I logged in on an alt who hasn’t done any public orders in 36 hours. Last night he had 4 public order crafts available, today it was 0 with 6 hours CD. Makes no sense.

Blizz obviously wants public orders to die so people are forced to engage in the awesome, immersive experience of spamming trade chat.

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Happened again on two other characters. Both had 4 public orders remaining. Taking one public order consumed 2 charges, first on one char then on the other.

I have the same issue. i have seen this even before the nerf to 4 per day. a couple o f weeks ago I had like 13 orders remaining, craft 1 and it jumped down to like 7.
Today had 4 crafted 1 and counter went to 1…

its such a bs after the patch … every day i get only 2 crafting orders not even 4 … and i craft once and both crafting orders are gone , smh blizz can do s**t right , giga dreadful system
just afk in town and spam trade …

same issue here, only 2 per day, and there are gone with personal orders or guild orders…
if i do a public order, 2 charges are used for only one craft… come on Blizz !

quick update , i literally just got the new day work orders i only got 1 work order available and the next one its in 24h … blizz if this is your way to show ppl that the public orders are working and there are alot of public orders available for ppl to fill then this is not the way , fix this silly bug or so i hope its a bug and not a hidded intended scuff just to try and promove the public orders are a good system … cuz its not

Afer testing around it appears that the display is bugged. You only get 1 charge per day. Which means if you see 2 its bugged, if you see 1 after crafting you actually have 0 and you won’t be able to craft

Same thing for every single time i have 2 free orders, and i complete some order it takes 2

I’ve had this happen every day since the 10.0.5 patch and I’ve also experienced this way before 10.0.5. I’ve created a bug report back then and another one after the patch. I don’t think they acknowledge the bug and/or are trying to fix it at this point.
Edit: I’ve recorded the bug in a video on Dec. 22nd and shared the video in a bug report with Blizzard. Nothing happened. (I wanted to link the video here, but not allowed to post links…blizzard is so backwards…no links allowed…holy cow…).

This is what seems to be the issue . It now says I have 1 order available , but when I try to start a new public order ( inscription ) , it does not allow me and says that order is no longer available ( even though when I refresh the public page , the order is still there )

I feel this is so super annoying, I never have 4 public orders to make.
When it say I have 4 and I made one, sometimes it goes away 2 sometimes it goes away 3 orders,
By making 1? Is this something that is only for JC?
I could have made some public orders and help people getting for example the lariat since not so many people have this on my server.
But I have had to whisper people to send me personal order cause public order doesnt work , If we are supposed to have 4 a day I want my 4.
I also noticed one time when I loged in a week ago I did 2 orders and then it said when mouseover “new orders in 16 hours”
When I loged on the day after it said , new orders in 14 hours. Still had only 2.
didnt made any, that day. then next day /2 days after) Logging in and then it said in 7 hours you get more orders. (very very long day it seems more or less than a week to get my 4 hours a day… Silly system!
Fix this blizzard!

I’m having this issue a lot. Quite often saying I have a charge but it won’t let me accept any, then my charges disappear. Having to contact people looking for a crafter by whisper too…

This happens to all my characters aswell, said i had 4 orders i could do, did one and have 1 left, same with having 2 orders ready, i make one and i have 0

yep same here.

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