Worgen - Running Wild

The Worgen racial ability “Running Wild” feels weird.
The animation of the player going on all fours starts as soon as the cast is triggered, but theres no feedback when the spell is completed and you´re ready to go. (like the “summon mount” )

Please make this spell instant!

Thank you

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There’s a cast bar in the middle of your screen?

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Yes of course there´s the castbar,
my point is there´s no animation or effect showing that.

I don’t know what to tell you. My main is a Worgen and it’s just never been an issue for me.
It has the same cast time as any other mount anyway, so it’s pretty easy to get used to.

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I can see the point. The cast is 1.5s, like all mounts, but the woofer already settles into the Running Wild stance at 1s into the cast. If you don’t watch the cast bar you could easily think that you’re ready to go, but the cast still needs another 0.5s. Minor issue, for sure, but it’s a bit weird that they chose to end the animation early.

Thats what i mean, yes.

I think this spell would be awesome if it was instant,
like the travel form for druids.

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I doubt it would become an instant cast spell. However, I do agree, having a quick animation of you lowering yourself within that cast timer would be better overall.

We see this with dracthyr, when we go to take off and fly around.

Not going to happen. A Race having Instant Mount as Racial would be too strong. Maybe if they reduced its movement speed to 40%, otherwise, no way.

Wild Running is for all intents and purposes a Worgen Only Mount. Though, I would love to see a mount like “Boots of Speed” that allowed other races the same option, just using Sprint Animation as Mount.

In your mind, why would it be too strong, compared to other racial abilities?

I’m just trying to understand your thought process on this one.

Because PvP exists.
The ability to mount instantly after dropping out of combat would be busted in arena.

Someone beat me to it. Exactly, because of PVP :slight_smile:

Now which PvP are you referring too?

As I can see what you’re referring too, I’m just trying to see your vision as to why you deem it to be too strong.

(In my personal opinion, the battlegrounds aren’t PvP, but a clusterpoop, where you close your eyes and swing your arms in hope to hit someone. Arena is where true PvP shines, this is why I’m trying to see why a racial instant mount would be “too strong” compared to other racial abilities, which are in my opinion far superior.)

There’s also the issue with how it could be used in combination with classes. Rogues would essentially have access permanent instant mounting, simply by putting together a macro to cast Vanish, then Wild Running.

Otherwise it needs to be added with a Restriction. Like it would be only be instant if the player have been out of combat for 5 or more seconds, or it will function as a normal mount. This way it wouldn’t give any massive advantages in PVP, but would be more accessible while just traveling.

Edit: Also, I just had to log my Worgen, because I was pretty sure Running Wild had an Animation and it does. When activating it, your Worgen has an animation where it gets down on all 4, preparing to run.

Silly little minigames aside, Running Wild is not supposed to be an “impact racial”, i.e. nothing that should give you a benefit. This is what Flayer (crafting), Viciousness (combat passive) and Darkflight (combat active) are there for. Giving a race an instant mount would create too much of an imbalance. Remember that they nerfed Dracthyrs’ Soar because having too much access to dragonriding in the old world would be too much of an advantage for Dracthyr to get to places sooner than any other race. They only made Soar an actual dragonriding ability when all regions with flying had dragonriding enabled.
Running Wild - like Soar - is supposed to be a pure flavour ability. It’s a fun mount replacement, but not a mount improvement like Druids’ travel forms. I would love to have a travel form for Worgen Druids based on Running Wild, but making RW as good as travel forms would be too much IMO.

cough cough Druids, shaman.
But hey mimimi alliaacne racil woud be op if its instant mount :clown_face:

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Shamans Ghost Wolf only moves 40%, 60% with Talents.
Druids Travel Form only moves 100%, if activated out of combat AND not in a Battleground or Arena.

So like I’ve mentioned before, it could be added, but it would have to come with restrictions.