Worgen want tails

It certainly doesn’t look out of place.

Until the Vulpera came out, Worgen female especially in terms of face always reminded me of the German Spitz dog i once had. She had a curved fluffy tail.

i miss her :cry:

That does look awesome, but it doesn’t change my mind. Worgen don’t have tails.

I don’t know if anything could be done with the lore to give them a reason to grow tails. Perhaps it would be possible to add a quest that allows you to ram your tail as a worgen by going to Hyjal and devoting yourself fully to Goldrinn - though if course this would come with some kind of cost to your human form as well, such as permanently lupine eyes. I guess that could be fun.

In general I feel that Blizzard has added a lot of customisation options that don’t have an associated quest which is played on the character that gains the trait. Real shame.

There won’t be any worgens in dragonflight.
They won’t leave zereth mortis becuse of the amount of balls there. They will actually get their own expansion called “Mystery of the biggest of all balls”. The tails might be unlocked in a .5 patch. Or maybe you’ll get to create your own tails becuse thats what ZM is for… creating things.

They need ponytails too, how you even play without one?

Just gonna drop by and let this thread know… Most Worgen fans the last time this topic was brought up. Where fiercly against Worgen tails.

This is a matter of topic best discussed by actual Worgen mains and fans. Not by us posters who never even play the race, Or just happend to have some alt laying around.

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Alright, but only if whenever a person does /pet on a worgen they have to wag their tail, no exceptions.

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My night elf female doesn’t have a beard, yet she grows tails all the time.
She can get a itzybitzy fluffy bear tail, A loong cat tail - heck she can even spawn various types and length of bird tails, from the tiniest to huge and long, depending on what flight form I choose. EVEN a dolphin tail.

All that without a beard :muscle:

So your logic doesn’t really justify why worgens shouldn’t have a tail :wink:

Im of the opinion, that if its optional then it doesnt really hurt anyone. Like the Pandaren tails.

I dont know why some people get so against customizations knowing very well it is optional and will only be used by people who want to use it.

I recall someone from Blizzard mentioned Worgen having tails in one of the novels by accident, but forgot which one. I recall someone mentioned it on the forums two years ago.

I also wish they continue customizations for other races as well, like Zandalari, Vulpera, Dark iron, Kultiran, and Mechagnomes who didnt get a huge update.

Nightborne, void elves, Lightforged, and Highmountain all got an update.


For me it’s really just wanting to stick to the og werewolf lore of them not having tails. Where the lack of tail of tail was the one separating them from being wolves.

And it’s their artistic rendition and would want them to stick to it and not just let some vocal fans change it. Too often I feel like creators give into this and sometimes it works, but most of the time it’s just to please that one group regardless if the creator likes it or not.

Otherwise yeah, more customization options the better. Would love some scarring options for worgen, would fit especially my worgen druid tank and worgen dk.

To be honest i 've never noticed a werewolf in movies if they have tails.Worgens are supposed to be werewolves right?Either way i don’t think i would add it on my Worgen.

At this point, I think it would only add to the seriousness if Worgen look like actual Werewolfes (so just Worgen with Tails).

That’s solely because of VFX limitations of that time. By today technical standard, it would be very easy to do an animated, motion captured tail in a CGI model. With actual body costumes a bit harder, but still doable if you are willing to spend money on that as a producer.

Haha yes.I didn’t think about that.But as an imaginary species there will be a question “So do werewolves actually have tails?”.

I don’t think I will ever understand why someone doesn’t want other players to be happy with something that they personally do not like the idea of yet does not effect them at all. If you want to scream about lore, lets just go back to the limited choice we got at the very start of wow. Yes, bye bye Pandaren…

If they allow worgen to have tails, they could easily also allow for people not to have them. Everyone’s wants can then be met.


I think they’d look a lot better with tails. Have my vote.


Well, according to the folklore:

The appearance of a werewolf in its animal form varies from culture to culture, though it is most commonly portrayed as being indistinguishable from ordinary wolves save for the fact that it has no tail (a trait thought characteristic of witches in animal form), is often larger, and retains human eyes and a voice.

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Speak for yourself, I think worgen shouldn’t have something they never had in-game or lore wise, the only time it was even mentioned was by accident by anyone even remotely affiliated by Blizzard. Its as bad as the people who want to play worgen strictly for the human voice essentially and not even for the worgen form.

If worgen are to get any meaningful customisation they can start with piercings, markings or tattoos of some sorts or straightening their back.


I have seen enough werewolf movies some actualy change in a 4 paws wolf , others have a tail or they dont have a tail , i would like it on my worgen they are werewolves with another name