Worl folder


On my HDD with all Blizzard games I have strange folder “Worl”. Inside there is lots of two types of txt files: Browser and CEF. Could you please explain what does it mean what I have linked on the bottom and why this folder is created with my games? Never seen this before. Is it save to delete it?


Logging initialized.
[INFO]-[BNL_Renderer]: [20190802T04:25:32] {13f0} INF: browser created


[0802/042532.414:ERROR:browser_gpu_channel_host_factory.cc(120)] Failed to launch GPU process.
[0802/042532.417:ERROR:gpu_process_transport_factory.cc(1029)] Lost UI shared context.

Delete it. it’s a leftover from a mistake made by the coders of the Blizz launcher.

Now we are at it, there is allso a folder called config, with a lot of folders named 0e, 1d, 2f and more like those.