World and Unique Map Icons not showing

Out of nowhere, logging in today world icons on the map (such as the Great Vault icon, dungeon entrances, covenant assault emblem icons, etc) have disappeared, despite all the relevant boxes being ticked on menu settings.

All I could find online was related to QUEST icons disappearing, which is not the case here. I can still see world quests and such on the map. It’s more the icons that have a unique graphic to them, such as the Great Vault icon, Zereth Mortis and Korthia portals, that sort of thing.

Have tried disabling addons, no luck. Have checked every menu I can think of in the interface and system panels, but no luck.

Would be nice to know if this is a bug, or some dumb setting buried in a menu somewhere I’ve missed.


Oh good, I’m not the only one with the problem, didn’t notice instances before you said it, but only the transportation system


same for the maps in bg’s, not showing anything. quite annoying

Same here… started as of latest patch/hotfix - whatever they fixed broke other things as usually. Reinstalling addons doesnt work and reinstalling the whole game with cache folder delete definitively doesnt work.

Been having the same issue with MiniMap icons. One minute it works then it doesn’t.

Also effects the small Zone Map. I often have that open when flying around for treasures or navigating through dungeons but icons are emissing on that too. It also often does not change the map when you zone or change layer meaning i have to close and reopen it to refresh - but still no icons.

I have the same problem after last hotfix.

i have the same bug :confused: even in Bg´s i cant see towers etc…

Same issue here. No vault icon and dungeon/raid entrances on the map anymore… I tried the repair feature, disabled all addons and re-installed the whole game. No luck. Seems to be a bug blizz needs to fix…

This does sound a lot like it may be a by-product of corrupted interface data induced by addons - an actual bug within the game itself would usually affect every player, not just select individuals, and we’re not seeing truly wide-spread issues with this currently.

Please give the steps listed under this link a try, with any luck that’ll get things back on track for you. :slight_smile:

yeah if you could stop with the “delete you addons, wtf, and cache folder” help, that would be great.jpg

Nothing to do with addons, i reset UI after patch and this was before re-installing addons.

Actually the Main World map has been buggy the whole expansion… just try fly through a zone with it open, icons constantly dissappear and reapper on it. Think it is caused by all the phasing in the zones. Some World quests won’t show up when your in a rested place, like the PVP ones and the single daily Convent World Quest. There are even some World Quests that never show on my map, until i actually enter the area they are in. So basically you have to fly to some areas where you know there might be a quest, to see if there is one up that day. Same things happens with treasures.

This also effects the quests tracker. For example you add World quests to the tracker but as you fly aorund or between zones the tracker untracks them. This happens when the map loses the icon.

Now this bug has basically spread to the zone map and minmap too.

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Interesting! Quest-phasing can hide certain zonemarkers, and does so intentionally if the markers refer to something that isn’t accessible/relevant for the quest - but it should not lead to results quite like this. We’re also not seeing this reported widely, so chances are that whatever is happening here is somewhat more unique to the affected characters (hence the suspicion it might have been addon-induced, as those store data on a per-character basis).

Could you please give the following steps a try, to see if they make any difference at all:

-log into the affected character
-type the following commands into the gamechat, one line at a time and each confirmed via the Enter-key:

/console synchronizeConfig 0
/console synchronizeSettings 0

-log out and fully exit the game
-locate and delete the folder that contains your locally stored variables for the character, it should look something like "World of Warcraft\_retail_\WTF\Account\{numbers here}\{Realm-Name}\{Character-Name}"

-start WoW again, log into the affected character once more
-use the following commands:

/console CVar_reset
/console CVar_default
/console synchronizeConfig 1
/console synchronizeSettings 1
/console ReloadUI

This will basically first un-sync the character from any server-stored variables (which addons may have messed with at some point), then purge the local copy of said variables, and finally create new default settings and synchronize those with the server again. If the problem persists past this point a bug report would be highly appreciated!

I logged in today before checking this thread and the icons were suddenly back. I guess I’m happy it’s fixed now, but it would still be interesting to know why this happened in case it happens in the future.

If it does happen I’ll be sure to give the above steps a try.

Best of luck to the rest of you who may still be affected by this!

As Duality said, i also logged in earlier today and found things are now working. I did note there was a patch downloaded before i had logged in, so maybe this addressed the issue.

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