World Bosses and Rares need shields

As title
World Bosses are being killed faster than groups can form.
I’m at the stage where one or two hits are decimating rares

This isn’t just a frogger problem any more, this is going to be every one who’s playing for power, we all want rares, they should last long enough to be shared.

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Personally havent seen world bosses get killed super quick like in retail, its def a kinda short fight tho but easy to tag if you’re there.

I think rares should have a faster respawn & be lootable once per day, i spent hours camping rare spawns for that elusive target achievement in kun lai summit.

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Why do you need a group for that? They spawn kinda fast and you only have to hit once.

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When rares on timeless isle spawn they are neutral for 60 seconds before they turn hostile, and can be killed. They should just do the same with all the other rares and world bosses.

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It has gotten disgusting real fast. Today I was camping Sha of Anger and it got killed in seconds. People are complaining that Coak got nerfed. I see no nerf. Whole Pandaria Remix has devolved real quickly.

Now it feels like it’s an old expansion filled with DF players.

It’s happening, next week it will be a very common occurrence, week after that it’ll be the norm

The rares are just a waste of time unless you are there to tag it. Some players are so strong now they practically one shot them.


That is true. There is no point to move to a rare even if addon tells you it is just at 200 yards, it will be dead by the time you arrive.

The better to kill rares is to sit on a rare spawn location and wait until it appears. I believe they reduced rares spawn timers for the event.

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Member how couple days ago people were whining how everything is overtuned ?

I memebr :slight_smile:


As the weeks go on, this sort of thing will become way more common. Not really a bad thing as it’s suppose to be an overpower fun mode. But a small fix could work and I can see why it’d be needed.

I played everyday on my mage, most the day. I am at a point where if I ice lance a rare and the tinkers proc it can make the mob go to 50% real fast and likely even another chunk pretty quick. Then if you factor in similar people it’s easy to see why a rare would be dead in seconds. I have no real control over the proc on these, and sometime when fighting are rare I try to make them last longer for people to arrive, but their HP ends up getting deleted without me really doing much due to procs.

Maybe if they added an 8 second buff to enemy on spawn, that reduces damage by 99% for the first 8 seconds that’d give people time to tag it.

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This is exactly what’s happening to me and why I don’t like it. Prior to this I was trying to farm up the last of the SL rares where many people go AFK due to their souls being destroyed, I’d hit once, turn my back and kite the rare around until the others woke up. This is impossible to do here, one shot, 10 procs and it’s all over.

I believe this event has a inverse difficulty curve, wich is always weird. Basically once you start being owerpower by upgrades it is easier to get bronze and therefore easier to become more overpower.

Not the worst idea. But I would couple this with a 10 second window where everyone can tag / hit it before it flat out loses health.

Thats the best way of doing it instead of buffing bosses or nerfing players.

I tried to get some of the ToT rares and one was dead when it spawned.