World buff 20% movement speed should active out of combat

It literally is in your head.

To hear you and some others, it’s as if it is impossible to do any raid content in SoD and it’s the apocalypse.

In reality - it’s just yet another molehill these crappy forums turned into a mountain.

That it is a problem is in your head… Because you only saw 1.

How is 1 run out of 50 being a GDKP a “Big toxic problem”

You haven’t followed the discussion and you’re answering me about things I haven’t talked about, you’re missing the point. But hey, it’s obviously usual with you.

Yeah, forget it too, the discussions with narrow-minded blind people who will continue to respond until exhaustion even when they are wrong, it’s not my age anymore.

Read quite a few threads with your replies today, you sound like an absolute prick mate, not even kidding. Every single time your replying to something that doesn’t necessarily directly affect you and make a beeline for the OP.

I’ve got a good hunch if you were a druid you wouldn’t like loosing a class advantage and would likely have a completely different opinion. Same with the guy complaining in the other thread about hunters climbing up to safe spots. One things for sure we are all human and at times feel “disadvantaged” with crap like that in games…so again, guarantee if you were on the receiving end you wouldn’t be so lippy.

Stop acting like a prick everywhere you go, you never know when someone will put you on your back


I ask genuine questions and give genuine arguments.

If all you can do is toss some insults and have nothing against my arguments - it’s telling all I need to know in that noise you wrote.

Just explain it to me than.

You act as if every PuG run on your server is GDKP.

Don’t blow things out of proportion

Oh yea I know you do. I know exactly the position you take with people in these threads you keep replying to. The people are already feeling “slighted” and you use your “position” to dig into them just a bit more. It’s called a bully.

I doubt that attitude carries over to the real world though, another hunch I have. I know exactly what you are from reading your posts.

Posts like these are why we can’t have nice things any more hahaha

This buff makes leveling new characters so much fun.

My “position”? I’m a forum poster.

That I’m not immediately onboard with various demands voiced here and ask questions that are difficult to answer is not a problem with me.

In context of this thread - the question was very simple: why all the players should lose benefit of a buff in various situations, so that one very specific spec can have a bit easier time in PvP.

So, instead of arguing that - you go ahead and try to attack me, which is cute and self-defeating.

So I’m going to try to explain to you simply and slowly, so as not to rush you.

1: Apart from those who abuse the purchase of gold, those who take advantage of GDKP to fill their pockets with illegally acquired gold, everyone agrees that the GDKP system rots the game, greatly contributes to the inflation and the proliferation of BotS (supply and demand mean anything to you?).

2: You tell me that you’ve never seen a single GDKP on /2, that it’s all in my head, I’ll prove you the opposite, and running out of argument you tell me that only one is nothing, it’s not 50, nothing serious.

I didn’t say anything else, I only talked about that, but obviously you don’t like being confronted with your contradictions and your lies.

I didn’t say I agree with the OP.

I do believe the first insult in this thread, was your first reply. Scroll up “little miss…”. So don’t start harking on about insults.

You come in these threads and are straight off the bat looking to fight them with words, quotes, ToS this, ToS that. Like I said, I know exactly what a prick is mate.

No point derailing this thread. This “arguing” you do online (cute) is likely a vent. Just take care of yourself out there, watch who you pick on and how you speak because people who see through it might just notice. :wink:

Like you did the OP?

“your majesty”
“main character syndrome”

Your brave and quirky picking on people with your keyboard but now claiming your “attacked”. You’re a prick, in every thread I’ve seen. I replied specifically to tell you that because I can read between the lines with your posts. You’re a bully, brave online.

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I don’t think I ever wrote word “ToS” except for this post.

The OP decided to bolt on me, only fair for me to pay back in kind and even be nice about it - not every day someone is called royalty.

In your case? You’re the one who started this and I am not even sure why you are so mad. You okay mate? Blink twice if you need assistance.

You seem very emotional about this and are just grasping at straws…

Like… stop being so silly.

Ofc i see GDKP, like i said 1% of all PuG runs maybe.

How is that a big problem then?

All you “GDKP is the worst thing ever” people act as if it’s 100% of all PuG runs.

Stop overreacting

Man i was about to create a post to make the buff last even after death…

generally easy accessable movement speed from wbuffs should be removed or disabled in openworld.

Zerezas being a complete fool with every post, bad actor. Its clear.

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But classic itself has a world buff that gave u run speed. All this buff did was condense it,th buff you get from booty bay to be specific. This has never not bern the case.

10% ms from spirit of zandalar