This buff it’s too good, it made me quit my feral for world pvp and is no longer fun to play. Everyone runs as fast as i do and that 10% difference is so low that looks like everyone runs at 30%.
It’s ridiculous how this buff affects some classes that doesn’t have slow or poke abilities
Ferals in world pvp needs the 30% speed talent and it doesn’t stack with world buff. The only thing i can do is equip sunfire rune which does insignificant damage on pvp. I’m 370 geared feral and it does hits of 110 and ticks of 55. Please consider one of this:
Only active in BFD
Only active out of combat
Next gnomeregan world buff doesn’t have any movement speed bonus
Just remove move speed bonus
Give to ferals infected wounds while having Mangle rune (50% slow as disease)
The argument is - no, we don’t want world buff to be nerfed to not provide the whole playerbase movement speed increase in combat because your majesty has an issue with it.
You will have to live with this tragic turn of events for the next 2-3 weeks this phase will last.
Your majesty are every single druid that wants to world pvp, not just me. I have a main hunter too and acting like u’re doing it’s easy when range is not a problem.
The buff is broken, it might exist only in this phase due to the lack of having a lvl 40 mount but still broken AF.
Btw 2 responses and still no arguments on my topic at all besides being toxic. Please stop posting unless helps in any ways to the topic or disagree with some arguments
i main hunter and i have priest and druid. Typical u don’t know the other person and shtt-talks. Stop posting here u doing nothing but spitting nosense
It is not the PvPers who created GDKP, gearscore for a raid easier than UBRS, who turns this game into a second job, who buys gold en masse, who are at the origin of the Bots proliferation, AH inflation…
Yeah no, even the worst gankers are soft lambs compared to toxic PVE players.