World of Don't use your Main

I can change my talents now without any issue.

What exactly is your problem with me choosing talent X for PVE and talent Y for PVP?
Are you a control freak who cares how other play the game too?
Do you like telling people how to play the game?

You shoudnt be able to do that much respecing in firstplace… because this ruins purpose of talents and choices, according to you next logical step will be to disable talents completly,i mean whats purpose of talents if you gonna click respec 100times per day? isnt it even necessary, then let blizz disable it and finish the story…

And again burning truth is: good player know how to deal with pros and cons of his spec, while bad player must be “perfectly” speced to anyhting… its dogma, so supporting respec you automaticly brand yourself as bad…

I am aware that each covenant will also affect your power. But I also left that in the 2nd prio list. This just boils down to each person’s mindset. I always played the spec I wanted. Not what was required.

I am and was arcane/frost mage at heart. And I played as frost the entire 8.3. I still did the numbers and descent parses…for a frosty i guess. So the guild took me in anyway. Any “hardcore-meta guild” would have already given an ultimatum “fire or /gkick”

I admit seeing that spreadsheet with straight row of Good across my specs of chosen covenant did settle me down regarding covenant.

“I’m alright Jack, f the rest of you” :crazy_face:

Ok lets talk shamans and BfA then , they bring lots of stuff to the table exept damage.

One should value both.

Again good for you, you will love the system because it will not impact you. However i do care about performance, and the covenant wich i like doesnt give that, i also dont have a one size fits all covenant.

Also i wonder why do we have an animated short that shows a rogue in the Necrolord coveant but we dont have one with a DK going Night fae?

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You make zero sense here. Talents exist so you are able to chose what you want based on what you want to do.
If i chose to do Dailies first when i log in, i chose something that will help me do them faster.
After i go raid, i’m going to chose the appropriate one.

Once i finish raiding and i go into some old raids, guess what, i’ll pick whatever helps me do them faster. You guessed it, movement speed ones!

And then if i want to do some M+. I will go ahead and pick what helps me there.

The LOGICAL choices. So stop it with your “disable talent”. Why would you disable them. the talents are made to be used. Guess who is using them ME, ME that’s who.
You got that mister druid? You can have YOUR talents disabled since you never switch. Or you can chose not to use them, do the same with covenants and let the rest of us who WANT TO switch… switch.

Oh spare me this crap, i can go ahead and time a 15 right now without any talents chose. Guess what, it’s dumb to waste my team’s time like that.

Why don’t you not chose any talents too? Since a good player can do whatever and succeed!

Offcourse talent exist to choose…but not to choose 100x times per day…not to be “perfectly” speced for anyhting … fine respec…but pay the friction if you can…this is how things must be…otherwise let blizzard just disable talents.

So it’s fine for someone to HAPPEN to be specced perfectly for something. But not for someone else to be perfectly speccing for something?

It’s not allowed cause why? You care if someone changes their spec 232321 per day?
Are you paying for their sub? My sub?

Because unless you do, you have no right to dictate to me how i should be playing the game. Blizzard included.

And stop with the stupid disable talents part, it’s annoying and unnecessary.
You don’t use talents, you have them disabled.

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or maybe people can reduce their obsession with ‘OPTIMISATION’, and accept that some players will not be in the best gear etc and that is okay.

people have been horrible snobs for way too long. let people play how they want, build their character how they want, and make the best of it.
I’ve been in plenty of dungeons with a DPS who does less than 20% of my DPS and I didn’t cry about it. we still did the dungeon won the princess saved the prize.

Well yes, like i mentioned earlier the ones defentding the system are those that either dont care at all or somehow are going to the covenant thats best for them.


I don’;t give a crap what you’re playing or how you’re playing.

So you can stop it with how others chose to use their characters in the game that they PAY FOR.

Not you. Got it?

Because its an obsession at this point.
People are so focused on what simbot tell them. Like honestly. Can you even reach the dps number the simbot sims out?

Player skill, human reaction times vs computers, plain RNG - dealing with more boss mechanics, having less procs than the sim “calculated” and etc.

If you are bad or just unlucky with rng and procs. Then those +5,534% raidbot calculated BIS covenant will barely do a dent in your numbers haha .

And yet the biggest obsession is with you busybodies brown-nosing how other players are playing the game.

Hey. You can play as you want. We also play as you want.

The problem arises. That you want to “tailor the game for your own personal taste” which in turn affects everyone else.

“I play by the rules Blizz wants to set. You want to change them to your liking and are obviously receiving opposition to it”.

Funny because unlocking covenants and conduits doesn’t mean crap for your play stiles. So don’t worm your way with that pathetic excuse that this somehow deeply affects you if you can switch freely.

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Its called skill, the ability to overcome pros can cons of your spec in certain situation. On first boss maybe I will be perfectly speced, on second you will…

Because guys like you will come in raid group …respec 232321th time per day, then blame guy in group who didnt do the same… I whitnnessed several situations when other druid in raid tell, “kick that druid he he got 5% less healing than me, he is using non meta telent spec” but yet his small brain is incapable to see that actualy my talented damage mitigation saved tank 4x times compared to his AoE mushroom leech which didnt saved anyone just pwned a healing meter… see this guy have low intellect to deal with pros and cons of his spec, yet he has perfect spec, and he is ready to blame anyone who dont have… this is why respec 232321x time per day must go away, or why entire talent system must go away…why have talents if you gonna respec? its just unecessary step since your ill mindset is “i must be perfect for anyhting”, it ruins a entire purpose of talent tree

Omg i chose the ST conduits. I’m going into an AOE dungeon. How will my skill make up for the 20% difference the AOE conduits would give me?

Do i MASH my ST abilities harder? You have no clue what you’re talking about.

Make your own groups if other players find your choices QUESTIONABLE enough that they have to tell you to switch.
Also how in tarnation will Covenants being locked PREVENT such situations? You’re grasping at straws here.

It just wam my heart that blizzard not gonna lisen guys like you this time :-* :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt:
They finaly realized that respecing to be “perfect” for any situation is just wrong, and they introduced covenants…be happy if your talent remain the same…

You keep thinking that. Wait till this crap goes live.

I like a lot of salt with my fries.

Nah, this is just another dumb system they attempt to shove down our throats, just like legiondaries, essences, corruptions and the beloved azerite gear.
What do these have in common? Well they were DEEPLY made more lax by Blizz as patches went on.

Because … say it with me… it’s an IMPROVEMENT. :slight_smile:

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Or maybe people can reduce their obsession with dictating what others can or cannot do, in which way should they do so while they themselves aren’t even trying because REASONS, on which week are they allowed to be in top raiding form, when to suck at PvP, and accept that some players will try to be the absolute best while others won’t and that is okay.

You guys fine with it? OK. I wouldn’t if those guys were somewhat close to my own capabilities because discrepancy THAT big points at something serious. Still, you weren’t on timer. Or soft enrage timer aka dps check. So this doesn’t matter, you could solo the dungeon and not much would change.

Thing is in some circumstances every point of DPS/HPS/tankiness MATTERS. And because the game is designed to be DIFFICULT in this regard, people doing things like mythic raids or +30 WILL try to optimize their chances to the very last decimal point. And then there are people who just like to play best they can.

You don’t do that, fine, let’s say Covs are switchable at will like pretty much all other talents, what happens? Nothing. You still don’t have to because you’re not likely to need this level of performance. You’re still having fun your way.

Now the optimal-minded players: What happens when they’re locked? They can’t time that +10 when it matters. They keep wiping at 5-10% because not enough oomph to make DPS check. Or PvP opponents, who never cared for anything but raw killing power, make mincemeat of them. They’re NOT having fun.

One of these options takes away some players’ choice how to have fun. The other doesn’t. Kindly let people play the game however they like, not how YOU would like them to play.

Isn’t it just adorable how these guys can talk with straight face about “player skill” in one sentence and quickly jump to “RNG and procs matter more than your choices” in another? Getting hypocritical in there.

YOU want to remove my ability to choose what to excel at. I want to grant that ability to everyone. See the difference?

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