I don’t know about you. But i made real life friends out of this game.
I havent made any real life friends, no one even talks to anyone anymore, but good for you I guess ? Try doing some dungeons over the day and see how many people talk (except in the case of a wipe to rage and quit of course)
If you brand everyone as antisocial then no wonder you got no friends in WoW. There are bad apples everywhere. I’ve met a lot of good folks in pugs, many of them are on discord server which we still use to organize some m+ runs together.
Sure. There are toxic around as well but if you met 1 “toxec guy” and immediately brand the WHOLE player base as such…then yeah. Sad…
It only requires some “good afternoon, how are you doing?”-s.
And you know; YOU can also write that.
I do, but it’s met with no response in lets say about 90% of cases
I’m glad you’re lucky and manage to get people that are actually social, the majority arent though and dont even talk at all and barely say “hi” at the start
Somehow i got a different experience
Or, join a community like failtrain or something. It does not really have much to do with luck.
Its not some magical talent or anything. Just be open about it. If your “socialization” is
does dungeon
/leave party
Then don’t expect people to be flocking to you.
Psjohly already said that
Start with this. If people are responding in kind as well. Perhaps ask if the guys want to do another run together after? Once you get some m+s together, ask if you want to add bnet together.
Its not that damn difficult. YES. There will be people who will tell you to get censored but then you just say your good byes and move on to the next. Nobody made friends(even in real life) on the first go with the first person whom they met on the street.
I mean that’s what everybody does ? If you talk anymore than that usually you get ignored because no one cares and people just want to get going
You can already show your initiative at the start. Like starting with something more than a bare-bones “high”. Break the ice…not expect others to break it for you.
Really. I understand its the pandemic and people are stuck in their homes and stuff but human socialization is not rocket science for Pette’s sake?
Even on my new 3 days ago created disc priest lvl 30 in Legionqueue i got more than that.
From now on I will boycott lfg and therefore pvp. I’ll do some side things until I get bored, and then it’s known. Soloque is the only solution, we know that, they know that. Let’s go Blizz
What about having a ton of in game friends…but everyone stopped playing rated pvp due to how inaccessible the system is?
they ought to turn this game into a lobby game, where u just queue for dungeons raids/pvp/wq while looking trough … lobby stuff …ye
Or you would have time to actually enjoy and explore the open world while waiting for your queue to pop instead of having to scroll through the LFG tool and sitting bored and waiting in one place, because you have to do all the searching manually which the system could do way faster and more efficiently.
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