World of Peacecraft

Unironically. Or that’s how it reads.

The worker’s collectives that own the manufactures now produce cookware, because with the lack of war in the world, weapons are no longer needed, or something. Seeing this summary I think I actually preferred the other “Exploring Azeroth” books where they deliberately justified the engine status quo no matter how ridiculous they had to get. Here they seem to basically declare all the conflicts and problems of the isles to be ended. Every enemy is defeated and gone, making room for rebuilding things better than they ever were, with tons of social progress on the way. I’m barfing rainbows.

I was always of the opinion that a removal of the faction conflict would still leave more than enough arguably more interesting conflicts in the world to pursue… I guess Blizzard was determined to make me wrong on that.


Im really starting to think more this isnt written to actual warcraft fans at this point.

Im actually curious do they actually think that this way they can build entertaining stories.
It literally makes no sense in big world like azeroth all is dancing and rainbows everywhere considering the history and how many villain groups there were.

And not even trying to do actual healing progress its just instant snap, how anyone can forget the atrocities that has happened in past this easy


A world at peace is good. Gives room for more stories instead of ruining every nation they can find.

Blizzard cannot stop my warcraft.

/reloads Trauma and Explosives into RP plot gun

But no, really, I see where you’re getting at. They didn’t have to resolve a lot of tethers with peacebloom and lillies. It’d have been nice to see a little more tension in the air, such as the mention of the Djaradin and Aberrus still being a hotbed of activity.

Merging the factions was a total disaster. They only did it because the game’s playerbase is shrinking rapidly. It has no benefits from a lore standpoint and makes the game’s early days meaningless.


At this point, besided playing for a bit during the beginning of each season, I have checked out of modern WoW almost completely and I am back to my full blown monke classic Andy phase (once again), so my opinion is definitely skewed, but it is absolutely astonishing how unapologetically brutal early wow is compared to now. It doesn’t matter which race or faction you pick, in all starting zones you absolutely massacre anything that dares poke its neck too much.

Kobolds daring to poke around the Elwynn mines? They poked around and found out what HUMAN POTENTIAL means.

Ice trolls disrupting the Dun Morogh peace? The Whitebeard brothers send murderhobos who absolutely murder them and their leader, warriors massacre their champion on their way out and the ice trolls are left in a state where they can only wait for the regular army to come in and genocide them.

Furbolgs getting corrupted by fell moss and the situation gets out of hand? Not in my World Tree chief, you dared threaten to murder my sleeping pals so you gave me little choice but to murder each and every one of you despite the fact that we were probably drinking beers and smoking peacebloom together a couple of weeks ago.

Quilboars dare existing in the land they owned since time immemorial? That land is ours now and you are in the way, could you kindly get ZUG ZUGGED FOR DA HORDE.

The still living farmers who try to do their best to survive while the world around them has gone to crap are in the way? Mmmmm, brains, now it’s experimentation time.

Meanwhile, most of these enemies will maim, kill, skin your body and make tents out of it, eat the rest, and make carpets of it.

Behind the cartoony graphics you are introduced to a brutal, unapologetic, grey world and that is nothing compared to what you encounter as you level up and leave the narrative safety of the starting areas.

In retail we are talking about how Tel’Abim will become a tourist hotspot, how everyone is just “misunderstood” and about the friends we made along the way as we delve underground to fight a supermodel villain catering to foot fetishists. There is no grit anymore, no darkness, no brutality. The tone is vastly different.

And look, no shade to Xalatath, she is far more interesting than a lot of recent antagonists and they have written her decently (for wow) while the world soul saga is a step up from what came before it, but the tone of the setting is way, way off. I am sure there are people who like the current state of things and I am happy for them, it is just not for me, I suppose.


…Come to think of it, you’re actually quite correct on the starting zone stuff.

Actually, I feel like the Undead of Deathknell had one of the more sensible ones. Wasn’t it all about preventing Rotbrains from going all out and a briet meet n’ kill with Scarlet Crusaders?


I’m with you on the Classic feel, the starting zones were an amazing way to introduce the new player to WoW and give them an identity based on whatever race they picked.

There was a certain vibe back in the day but I didn’t feel it when I played Classic. It was all too familiar and over done. If you enjoy it, power to you.

Retail story is moving in the right direction and I’m happy with that, not quite as interesting yet but I like where it’s going.

I can only say that at this point, I lose interest in the world with each and every update. Might just be the gloom of winter or me having a late case of growing up, but I do think that a good part of it is me really hating the direction they have picked and are sticking to. I see an upcoming goblin patch and I’m not wondering if I’ll have to sit through goblins of all people explaining me how Gallywix is immoral and must be defeated in the name of social progress, I am pretty much certain that I will. I see Siren Island and I really don’t care what the Vrykul and other invaders are doing there. Probably something setting up either social problems we’ll solve with the necessary violence once we quest in their home zone, or some stuff about titans and their unqualified opposition to free thought. We are fighting them, so they won’t be justified, so what is there to know, really? If there was good about them, we’d get a rebel faction to ally with and leave in charge.

I guess I’ve projected the structure and morality we had in classic onto the game for way too long, and they are just getting so explicit about denying and opposing it now, that my headcanon can’t withstand it. My headcanon was so much more fun, though.


A lot of people working on the game are completely unaware that it is a fantasy game and that fictional characters engaging in shady actions does not equal people supporting those actions in the real world.

It’s a common issue in the gaming industry as a whole these days. Every playable race and even the non-playable races have their core fans. Those core fans are perfectly content having the rougher edges of that particular race’s society front and centre.

Unfortunately, the trend is to erode those rougher edges away entirely and shame the race for not conforming to modern day real world ideals that despite the gaslighting are not universally held beliefs in the first place.

So we inevitably see every playable race reduced to a bland, predictable mess so they can fit into the awful ‘melting pot’ model where nothing is unique to them anymore in terms of culture, beliefs, morals or viewpoints.

With time, this leads more and more players to either leave the game entirely or just not bother paying any real attention to the story.

At the end of the day some of the most popular shows and games have been fairly gritty and with grey morality front and centre. The masses love that stuff yet the potential for that in the story is squandered these days, not in the least due to how heavily sanitised everything is.


If only this kind of wisdom was prevalent throughout WoW’s community. It was such a long time ago now that I was accused of being a genocidal, family murdering, child slaughterer just because I was Horde.

Won’t ever forget how the community can be so low.


The game’s story in some sense needs the faction drama to be intruiging, without it its just this seasons threat to the world’s existance. The factions are where the interesting people and persona’s are and interesting people and persona’s interacting tends to also be interesting.

The big threats are also important but without the faction drama thats all you’ll ever get anymore, big threat after big threat
faction conflict was about keeping variety and to make sure it doesn’t just start feeling like a roller coaster ride from one world ending threat to the next.

The same way goes the other way around, take away the worldly threats and the faction conflict will become stale because that’s all you have left.

It’s not a smart idea to want to write away all conflict in storytelling between protagonists, if all the protagonists (horde and alliance players) only ever get along then their interactions will simpy turn boring overtime at best or jarring at worst (hello to liberating gilneas as a horde character questline)

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The right attitude is to troll these people. Add salt to the wound.

Tell them what a wonderful bbq you had in Teldrassil. The nelf tears will eventually put out the tree fire.

If anyone associates pixels with real life, they absolutely deserve it.


Teldrassil was avenged so I see no point in bickering over something that happened like 6 years ago.

There was no point to begin with but yes, you’re right.

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