World of Ranged Craft (Unbalanced PvP)

WoW PvP is Becoming a One-Sided Ranged vs. Melee Game – Please Balance!

Hello fellow PvP enthusiasts,

I’ve been playing WoW for years, and over time, I’ve seen a number of changes to the game’s PvP system. However, the current state of PvP feels more unbalanced than ever, particularly when it comes to the dominance of ranged classes and the struggles of melee classes.

Ranged Classes Are Overpowered:

It’s become increasingly apparent that ranged classes have a significant edge in PvP right now. The mobility, utility, and sheer damage output they can dish out from a distance make it incredibly difficult for melee classes to close the gap. A single mistake, or even a slight delay in engaging, and you’re already dead before you can even reach your target.

Abilities that allow ranged classes to kite, snare, root, or disable melee characters make it near impossible to get in range and do damage. On top of that, many ranged classes have strong defensive cooldowns and crowd control that essentially allow them to never get punished for their mistakes.

For example, consider the current state of mages, hunters, and warlocks. They have incredibly high burst damage, strong mobility tools (teleports, blink, etc.), and various ways to control melee players, making it feel like they can easily handle any melee opponent with minimal risk.

Melee Classes Are Struggling:

On the flip side, melee classes are left with limited options. While we do have some strong burst abilities, it’s incredibly difficult to reach ranged players who are constantly kiting and disengaging. Even when we do manage to close the gap, we’re often faced with heavy crowd control or defensive cooldowns that prevent us from doing any meaningful damage.

For example, the reliance on charge, grapple, and gap-closing abilities for melee just feels clunky compared to the instant, ranged control abilities that others enjoy. Moreover, many melee classes are now forced to rely heavily on team support to deal with these ranged threats, which isn’t always reliable in random battlegrounds or solo queue.

The imbalance not only affects the fun factor but also makes it feel like melee characters are being punished for trying to do their job — getting in close and staying there.

Suggestions for Balance:

  1. Adjust Mobility and Kiting Mechanics: Ranged classes have far too many ways to disengage or kite. It would be nice to see some mechanics adjusted so that melee classes can have a fair chance at sticking to their target. This could include a reduction in the effectiveness of snares, roots, or the addition of more melee mobility tools.
  2. Rework Crowd Control: The crowd control game is currently stacked in favor of ranged. It would be great if there was more counterplay available for melee players to break or resist some of these stuns, snares, and silences.
  3. Increase Melee Survivability: Melee classes need better self-sustain and defensive cooldowns to survive longer against ranged enemies. Currently, it feels like ranged can hit you without risk, but melee need to stack cooldowns just to keep up.
  4. Rebalance Damage Output: Some ranged specs can burst for much higher damage than melee can even dream of. A closer balance between the burst potential of ranged and melee classes would lead to a more enjoyable and fair experience.

In conclusion, WoW PvP feels like a game where ranged players are given far too many tools to stay safe and do damage, while melee players are left to struggle with limited options and constant counters. PvP should be about skill and strategy, but right now it often feels like a one-sided battle where ranged just win by default.

I really hope Blizzard takes a close look at this imbalance and considers some adjustments to bring back a more competitive and fun PvP environment for all players.

Thanks for reading, and I’d love to hear your thoughts!


Brother get that warrior brain out of the oven already, it’s fully cooked. There’s no way here’s a warrior role playing that melee classes are bad, and especially crying that shadow priests have high mobility :joy:

Hint: check any site for activity stats before posting trash like this.


My first idea as answer sounded too rude so i want to say this:
You are playing one of the best specs, that is at the same time very simple while being at zero rating.
Please look at your own gameplay and try to get rid of the many mistakes you do before you call it a “balance issue”.


Then save your burst for after you get defensives/CC out the way.

So every melee should have Shadowstep? Stop sounding cracked.

Basically all specs rely on their team for support, it’s not unique to melee.

Your suggestions for balance seem just straight up troll, warrior already have a fear break and immunity during Bladestorm, as well as Avatar breaking roots and snares iirc. When a warrior bursts he eats 2/3rds of my health like it’s nothing, can’t even kite it, dude.

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Ok ChatGPT.

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Definitely can understand chasing a mage with their overloaded toolkit is frustrating, especially cause they got multiple school and they barely cast like boomy/ele.

But crying about sp, with 0 mobility, stuck in slow/root 24/7, with only hardcast/chanel ability is a joke.

Also I struggle to understand what you call ‘’ high burst ‘’ considering dots does 0 dmg, and are just here to get insanity, and other ability litterzly does no dmg beside mind flay insanity and void torrent (still they do like 300k per hit).

I recommend you to play one to see if you still think so is as insane as you think it is.


Reported for trolling.

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Yy I have to agree . This post is fried.


are we playing the same game? :joy:


The fact is that all my claims are true, anyone with some brains that actually plays the game can understand what is going on and a lot of people didn’t even bother to come to complain at forums, they just quitted WoW for good.

The fact is that current state of PvP is in a bad shape.

Now ofc the gatekeepers will defend their meta spec and won’t complain, simply because they enjoy being overpowered, but at the end you will be left to play alone the game without any competition.

Isn’t their burst decent now? Assuming they get to cast during it lol

For the current Meta, i wouldnt call Sp bursting. SP has great consistant dmg and control to make a decent setup on his own.

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Definitely not.

Nerf melee. They have way too much uptime. They shouldn’t be able to stay in melee constantly.

This will only work when certain “casters” need to cast again though… Game needs a rework at this point.

its brutal how op lock boomy and mage are and on top ele

exactly if they cast and u die its ok but precog needs to go1 u can actually use reflect as a lock and if a meele kicks he gets precog insane game mechanic

This is such an asinine take, precog is necessary for some classes to ever do anything reliable.

SP has to hard cast 90% of their burst and setup, without precog they just eat every available kick and micro CC every time they have an opportunity.

There’s way too much CC in the game generally, but melee shouldn’t complain with several stuns, incaps, SO much mobility on top, dude!

I think it’s so funny that the melee in here complain about SP most of all, the caster that has the worst time against melee, ever.

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Ngl the most think i miss on meeles is the extra range increase for meele attacks
A lot got 3yard extra range in a Talent
(Sv, feral, rogue got one not sure how else)

And it was such a quality of live improvment that you not have too stand almost inside someone that you can hit him, the hit boxes are very small

3yard was maybe too much but 1.5y more would be needet

Nerfing frostmage would benefit all other range because then you can turn down meeles cap closer

fight a frost mage wich auto slow you with proccs and you can RP walk with 70% slow behind a guy that spam insta casts in your face, no thx

None of your claims are true.

I usually don’t go down that road but your negative win ratio in almost every bracket shows clearly that you’re not one of those.


I know dude, I’m legit slow 24/7 and rooted as well, I fully understand what it feels like.

But devs should t balance the game around mage, and that’s 100% not the reason why melee got an absurd amount of gap closer it’s because of m+ not Mage.