World of warcraft a.k.a. Pay To Win

i decided to try wow again when shadowlands came out, my last expansion before that was wrath of the lich king.

but nowdays this has become a pay to win game… such a shame…
greedy bastards will get their karma


People bought boosts during Wrath of the Lich King too.


You pay for what and what do you win exactly?


Do you still need an explenation why? Really?


What do you win by being boosted? What do you care if others “win” this whatever it is… And maybe more importantly why do you care what others do or don’t do?

We could argue how the boost spam is pretty annoying yeah or maybe how it affects the ingame economy… but boosting has been happening since the start - it’s never been as easy or in-your-face as it is now but it’s always been there.


Steve Bannon and his mates got together and invested $60 million into a Chinese WoW gold farm in 2007. That’s how big the illegal gold market was back then. People who think boosting and gold buying didn’t exist before must be very delusional.

PS: Yeah, it’s true about Steve XD

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Idk, why people from forum deal with boosting. Boosting was always, yes. But nowdays boosting everywhere and game is about boosting. People don’t want to play, they want to boost. And some people can’t find people to play with and forced to buy boost.

Deluxehaze aka facepalm…

Yikes, all those people still making excuses for the fact that WoW Token made WoW openly P2W.

It’s rather sad to watch all those dishonest rationalizations bubbling out of pools of denial.


Your presence in WoW belies your post.


Since you aren’t making any sense then I guess asking you to explain your logic is pointless :man_shrugging:


U can pay for my company and as a win u can have my company, i would say its totaly worth it. For both of us.

I’ve long said the reason there’s so much boosting is that players have way too much disposable gold. I don’t know how Blizz decides the economy they’re gonna run, but especially in Shadowlands they’ve decided to make gold borderline useless. Sure, you need the lego… but when you buy it, you make some other player rich, and what’s that player to do with the gold? Buy a boost of course.

In order to reduce boosting, Blizzard needs to introduce healthy gold sinks as a core part of the game. This means, for example, making it cost gold to swap your soulbinds instead of conduit power. Making it cost gold to swap your covenants (and make it instant). Making it cost gold to swap your talents. What if you always needed a tome to swap your talents and these tomes only came from an NPC? Many people already predominantly use tomes, the only problem is that these tomes are not a gold sink.

I played the whole of wrath and didn’t personally experience any boosting. Not advertised in game anyway.

Problem is how accessible boosting is now. /2 is just boosters spamming. LFG is 50% boosters. Its all payable by giving blizz money for WoW tokens, and paying in gold. The reason why boosters accept so much gold? To sell for irl money on websites for cheaper than the WoW token.

Advertise Boost for in game currency → Sell the boost for 500k gold → Sell the 500k gold on a third party website for real money.

More evidence of this is the whole reason why boosters accept gold on any realm. To sell on these third party websites. But since There’s no hard proof, and Blizzard will be making a killing from selling WoW tokens, boosting is more rife than ever. The WoW token has basically provided a safe way for gold sellers/boosters to make gold.


They were advertised in trade, on forums and elsewhere

If someone here really played wrath of the lich king then they would know that ofcourse boosting was a thing especially for arena weapons… but the reality is that NO ONE advertised it publicly ever.

Not as rife as it is now. I’ve actually quit playing for now, I just check forums every now and again looking for improvements, but sadly nothing seems to be happening about clear in game issues. The only updates I read seem to be ones no one asks for. I don’t see anything on forums asking for the updates that happen, or on reddit, or anywhere, but somehow they only manage to make changes that no one is explicitly asking for. So until they take community feedback on board, sadly, I’m done.

Depended on your server .
Silvermoon back in 2008 its forums offical and unoffical and trade were full of boost spam .

Not factual at all . Mission tables in WoD and Legion made people gold millionaires there was no need to buy tokens at all hence why the gold you got you for them was so low until BFA and mission table nerfs then gold you got went up .

Lockouts were more strict during Wrath, there was no way they could sell as many runs back then as they can now. But on Hellscream it was certainly common to see advertisments by one of the top guilds for boosts for various bosses, mounts, achievements etc.

But i relation, those boosts will have been worked for, not bought with irl money, unless they’ve bought gold from a third party site.