World of warcraft a.k.a. Pay To Win

Deluxehaze aka facepalm…

Yikes, all those people still making excuses for the fact that WoW Token made WoW openly P2W.

It’s rather sad to watch all those dishonest rationalizations bubbling out of pools of denial.


Your presence in WoW belies your post.


Since you aren’t making any sense then I guess asking you to explain your logic is pointless :man_shrugging:


U can pay for my company and as a win u can have my company, i would say its totaly worth it. For both of us.

I’ve long said the reason there’s so much boosting is that players have way too much disposable gold. I don’t know how Blizz decides the economy they’re gonna run, but especially in Shadowlands they’ve decided to make gold borderline useless. Sure, you need the lego… but when you buy it, you make some other player rich, and what’s that player to do with the gold? Buy a boost of course.

In order to reduce boosting, Blizzard needs to introduce healthy gold sinks as a core part of the game. This means, for example, making it cost gold to swap your soulbinds instead of conduit power. Making it cost gold to swap your covenants (and make it instant). Making it cost gold to swap your talents. What if you always needed a tome to swap your talents and these tomes only came from an NPC? Many people already predominantly use tomes, the only problem is that these tomes are not a gold sink.

I played the whole of wrath and didn’t personally experience any boosting. Not advertised in game anyway.

Problem is how accessible boosting is now. /2 is just boosters spamming. LFG is 50% boosters. Its all payable by giving blizz money for WoW tokens, and paying in gold. The reason why boosters accept so much gold? To sell for irl money on websites for cheaper than the WoW token.

Advertise Boost for in game currency → Sell the boost for 500k gold → Sell the 500k gold on a third party website for real money.

More evidence of this is the whole reason why boosters accept gold on any realm. To sell on these third party websites. But since There’s no hard proof, and Blizzard will be making a killing from selling WoW tokens, boosting is more rife than ever. The WoW token has basically provided a safe way for gold sellers/boosters to make gold.


They were advertised in trade, on forums and elsewhere

If someone here really played wrath of the lich king then they would know that ofcourse boosting was a thing especially for arena weapons… but the reality is that NO ONE advertised it publicly ever.

Not as rife as it is now. I’ve actually quit playing for now, I just check forums every now and again looking for improvements, but sadly nothing seems to be happening about clear in game issues. The only updates I read seem to be ones no one asks for. I don’t see anything on forums asking for the updates that happen, or on reddit, or anywhere, but somehow they only manage to make changes that no one is explicitly asking for. So until they take community feedback on board, sadly, I’m done.

Depended on your server .
Silvermoon back in 2008 its forums offical and unoffical and trade were full of boost spam .

Not factual at all . Mission tables in WoD and Legion made people gold millionaires there was no need to buy tokens at all hence why the gold you got you for them was so low until BFA and mission table nerfs then gold you got went up .

Lockouts were more strict during Wrath, there was no way they could sell as many runs back then as they can now. But on Hellscream it was certainly common to see advertisments by one of the top guilds for boosts for various bosses, mounts, achievements etc.

But i relation, those boosts will have been worked for, not bought with irl money, unless they’ve bought gold from a third party site.

You paid a third party to carry your pathetic person through end-game content you refuse to do yourself, complain there’s nothing to do in the end-game then unsub.

and none of the skills or gear carry over any use cause you did none of it yourself hence 0 exp. gj =)

you paid to progress, for that raid tier. Gj and have fun doing it again next raid tier

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Boosting communities only take gold for boosts.

If you are talking about shady third party sites that is wholly different and breaking the rules.


I can remember guilds selling the ZA mount runs in TBC for 35k trade and forums full of the spam atleast the forums are not like it now :slight_smile:

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On my old servers there was only one guild that really ever sold any boosts and they didn’t even advertise because anyone that wanted one knew who to contact and they apparently were always booked. But it was also just raid boost, no one else ever sold any other type of boosting which was nice. I do think boosting has gone down a bad road because well, huge communities and a bunch of shady stuff going on in the first place. They really min-maxxed boosting like everything else in this game which has caused it to have a detriment in the amount of spam in in-game channels that’s noticeably higher than it was pre-legion. If Blizzard made it so the people could only advertise on the very server they actually play on I think that’d fix a lot of it and only allow one person per community/guild to advertise within 10 minutes of one another.

As far as it being pay to win, depends on your definition of ‘win’. I think there’s a reason why most people consider ‘parses’ to be wins now over raid clears, etc. But for some people just getting to max level is their ‘win’ so really depends. This game on technicalities cannot be ‘won’ because it’s never ending.

Boosting has always been part of wow. The token just increased the visibility of it. Blizzard grew the market with the token, the gold and boost sellers thank them.


I swear those moaning about boosting seem to have zero clue about it. Games, every game, that has any form of progression has had boosting as far the systems will allow them to do so. If it is for an in game currency then there is zero issue, what, do you not buy an improved car, do you not go to the supermarket, do you not buy other services in real life with the funds you’ve earned in that real life, as such I’ve zero issue with a player buying a boosting service with gold they’ve earned in game, it is simply a transactional way of life.

On the other hand RMT is an issue, but, and this is the major one, Blizzard can do so little about it other than banning the associated accounts should they be found, you can’t close down ebay, can’t shut down third party websites, no company has ever been able to do so, hell, for DAoC boosting I used to sell on ebay,

You can buy token for real money, exchange it for gold and buy any part of content you want by paying other ppl to do it for you. Thats how its p2w.