Hey Hey my fellow forum dudes and dudettes.
I’ve been sitting here daydreaming if I were in charge of one WoW expac, what would I do, What would the stories be, the instances, the raids, the Zones and the features be!
And I wanted to share it with you lovely people, So I hope you enjoy my little dream.
Now you know what they say about opinions. And I have many
I will just disclose my biases and my alignment so you can call my bias out with ease.
I am a Horde boy! Horde for life! If it is not red it is dead.
I do not do many raids beyond LFR nor do I do mythics.
I mostly spend my time in the game leveling, PVP’ing and raiding, and I am not very good at any of them.
I will try to avoid speculating what happens at the end of Shadowlands and just jump straight into the dark age.
I also do not care too much about ballance as long as it is fun to play.
Eventhough I am a casual LFR hero, I do think the very very best gear should be for the high end players that do mythic raids or get high ranks in pvp.
Oh, and ofcourse forgive my spelling, some dyslexia and ignorance towards the english tongue got me goooood sometime.
The Features:
So, I think WoW has had many great features through the years, and I want to bring many of them back, or make them fun again.
All crafting professions scales better, and the more you make the better you get ofcourse, this will also grant experience and other rewards, world bosses, Rare mobs and Raid bosses can also be scavanged for their gear / items that can be sold or applied to your armor.
Say you go back and farm kill Deathwing for some cata mogs, at the end of fight you as a blacksmith can take some of his jaw, or some of his scale as a leatherworker. And use those special items as a buff to your current ones, thes these buffs would not be game changeing, but lets say you do get a scale of deathwing, Craft your leather armor and smaks it on. BOOM a bit of a stam buff and 1% resist to fire dmg?
Could be nice if you faced some fire mages or Shamans.
Crafted gear:
I like the upgrade system we got in SL, and think it can be applied more. Gear will still drop from bosses and be earned from honour.
But lets say you could get tokens / items that I could add to every piece of gear given?
Say, I just wanted to do pet battles for the rest of my WoW time, after beating so many battelers, and enemies, catching a number of pets, why could not be rewarded? give you alittle gear upgrade, and I am thinking up to about normal dificulty current raid.
What if I love archeology! and I go digging up all the worlds, why could I not be rewarded with something that upgrades my gear. " Oh hey, you found the mystical enchanted sharpening knife of Illidan! here! have 5+ item level on your wepon".
Archeology is something I want more use of, for lore, secrets, hidden items, toys, mogs, pets and mounts and maybe even crafting materials and gearing.
Finding ancient wepons of lost civilisations, armors. all kinds of things!
Island expeditions:
Same thing, new islands, new rewards. Item upgrading Tokens.
PvP island brawls.
Invasions. (legion style invasions)
You travle places, and fight waves of enemies for a chance of rewards, gear, mounts, mogs, tokens.
a few bosses here and there.
Return of warfronts and open world versions of it.
To show where the current battles are, for new mogs, upgrade tokens and mounts.
Blood elf vs. Worgen. (Plauge lands Battlefield)
Gnomes vs. Goblins. (Mech battle Thousand needles)
Troll Vs. Dwarf. (Mulgore Digsite)
Open world events.
I guess in ways it will be similar to world quests. I can see myself running around the barrens doing small quests / events, then Boom A horn blows, A caravan needs protecting! you go there and fight of waves of quillboars and after you get it safe to the destination you get rewards.
Same can be done pvp style, A carawan spawns in Redridge, and you and your horde buddies go there to take the look, grants some honour, maybe a tiny bit of conquests.
Same as the big chest drops in BFA.
Open world PVP, places like old Zangermarsh, Nagrand, that you can cap and hold for rewards. all to make the world seem more alive.
Rewamp flying.
This I guess will one of the most hated one.
I mean, we all love the convinence of flying, but it does somewhat kills the world, just fly high up and ignore the world, all is just a backdrop.
I want to introduce enviormental hazzard and flying combat.
If you fly to high, you might be knocked off by strong winds, rain, cold.
Maybe if you fly to high a dragon comes and fight you, or if you fly over the treetops of a wood an angry hawk comes and try to stab your eyes out.
The art team and world designers are so talented and the world is so beautiful!
So I guess something akin to the flying worm in Ulduar / Vale of eternal blossom.
Player housing!
you know what it is.
New Playable Races.
The Ogre, strong and bruetish, joins the horde fully under the leadership of Rexxar in Dustwallow marsh, where they face a war of their brawn agienst the magic of the elves.
The Mogu, Refugees from Pandaria and the terrible fate that has befallen them seek out their ancient allies of the Zandalari.
The Saurok, Cunning and vile, joins the Trolls as nothing more than cannon fodder for the Zandalari warmachine.
High Elf.
The Broken, led by Akama, escapes the crumbeling world of outland and seek out his old brothers and sisters in the Azuremyst isle.
The Furbolg, lend their arms to the might of the night elves, to fight for the wilds and their wild gods
The High Elves, Following Vereesa Windrunner to claim the city of Dalaran after another magical scirmish between the Horde and alliance mages.
Here comes the long and badly written part!
The new world changed.
The World.
The dark age begins:
Years have passed since the mighty heros of Azaroth vanished into the shadowland.
Boarders and kingdoms has been remade, and this Azaroth is under the new strong-willed iron heel of the Alliance, alas the alliance is not as united as they once were.
Story Beats
There is a considering split between the alliance leaders, Humans, Worgen, Dwarf, Gnome, High/Void Elves Forms into the alliance Empire and Have Controll over most of the easter kingdom
The Night elves and Draenei seclude them selves to Kalimdor, The night elves more so still feeling betrayed by the the other races as their home was left to burn.
The Kalimdor Horde is weakend after the long war and with a angry, agressive and unrelating night elven attacks find themselves surrounded on all side by enemies. The Horde left on the eastern kingdom are forced up north on the brink of being pushed into the sea, While Rokhan and Talanji reforms a troll empire and take over Stranglethorn, Blastedland up too the Swamps of sorrow.
Pandaria suffers a dark fate.
Zandalar and the Broken isle sinks into the ocean.
Kul’tiras is beset by a strange fog and and the Kultirian flee.
The Dark Portal to Outland have all kinds of creatures fleeing out, As Outland is attacked by the void.
The continent has changed alot, new alliance, new boarders, new denizens now call this place home.
The ancient land is now a place where the brutal and the feral rules. I will go through every zone from North to south and talk a little bit of the changes that has taken place here.
Blood trolls and Satyrs have made this shoreline their home, After the Night elven forces drove out the horde, after a crushing brutal victory they migrated south, not wishing to live in the shade of their burnt
Azuremyst Isle:
The Draenei has brought peace to the islands.
building a great civilization combined with their Light forged cusins.
Somewhat not wanting to partake in the petty wars of the mortal races and more content to see to the survival of ther race and look for more cosmic threats. stareing into the great dark beyond
Still a sanctuary of the druids.
The Furbolgs of Timbermaw and a Garrison of night elves have gone into an alliance to hold the western boarder towards Felwood safe. The goblins in the east are still doing their own thing, Everlook grown slightly as a town, but scared of the bearmen and elves who stalk the snowy peaks.
Mount Hyjal:
The mountain is healed, the fires from the cataclysm has been driven back and the from the old ashes of that war, new life grows in relative peace. on the southern foot of the mountain the horde has made new small mining town, under constant attack from Harpies, Night elves, And other forces whom see the mountain as a holy place, although the Horde is forced by desperation to continue their mining operation.
The southern lands of the Felwoods have grown lush with thick forests and jungle while the peaks to the north has been taken over by Blood trolls wageing a war with the Furbolgs, while also fighting off the strange agressive jungle charging in from the south.
The horde has taken half of this zone, pushing their way in from Azshara.
The western half of the zone some strange growth of rageing plants have taken hold, the jungle growing thicker, wilder and more Feral.
Most suspect it is the Botani who escaped Draenor that has setteled this land in hope to conquer another world.
The Horde has chased out any resistance here and renamed the land “Valormok”
For their victory there and how they carved they sigil into the very land. Bilgewater Harbour has become a propper goblin capitol.
Mainland Valormok has turned into towns, farmlands and training ground for the Orcs.
Gallywix’s pleasure palace has been torned down and has been built into a home for Mag’har Orcs
Lead by Geya’rah
Stonetalon Mountains:
The Huojin Pandaren who sided with the Horde has taken up land in the peaks boardering the barrens, their philosophy and their siding with the horde has made them shunned by the rest of the Pandaren, now taking more pleasure in fighting, where they have constructed their grand fortresses on the peaks.
So has the Vulpera med this their home, pulling their caravans in the mighty valley.
The shores of Stonetalon and the heartland has also seen a change of rulers, no longer do Tauren and Night elven towns enjoy the peaks and valleys of Stonetalon, now instead it has been taken over by a new sort of warfare. The Arakoa build their wepons of war powered by the sun. on the ground lurks new tribes of Saberon, Both survivors and escapies from Dreanor.
The Horde Pandaren along side the Vulpera are fighting off Fierce enemies from both the sky and the shadows.
Ogrimmar and Durutar:
The first act of the Army of Nature was to siege Ogrimmar. Malfurion at the head of the army made struck the very pride of the horde.
Great vines wrapped around every around every building into the ground, the ancients guided the river and washed away the rubble and ruins of the Orcs, as fast as the Army of Nature appeared, they vanished, moveing onward to take Feralas.
Feeling pity for the orcs, The Elementals offered to aid the orcs rebuild their land. Ogrimmar over time was rebuilt in an more traditional orcish / ancestrial city.
Has healed, the efforts of night elven druids and the help of a newly formed strong alliance with the Dryads and Emerald Dragons. Forceing the Centaur unite their clans under one kahnate.
Mulgore has been reinforced with the unity of the High mountian, Thunderbluff is a capitol to behold and the proud tauren cusins patrole the plains. fighting of Centaurs, Quillboars and others who are brave enough to try to enter the plains.
Northen Barrens And Southern:
Now connected with roads and trade routes between the horde cities.
Great caravans of the Tauren, Orcs, Trolls, Pandaren, Ogre and Vulpera are pulled across this new heartland of the Horde.
New towns, holds, farmland and hunting grounds are fiercly defended.
With the burning of Teldrasil the night elves have violently carved out a new homeland in Feralas, and Eldre’thalas ( Dire Maul) have been rebuilt and made into their new capitol.
The Night elves in their anger and sorrow of their lost world tree has turned to more primetive and ferral ways and clensed the zone of any enemies.
Dustwallow Marsh:
Rexxar has retuned, to lead his Ogre people, as they fought to save their brothers and sisters who called Diremaul home.
This starts an new Ogre capitol and homeland, but they are not alone in the marsh.
Dalaran, the flying city has landed in the crater of Theramore to syphon of the strong magical residues of the bomb and the power of magical Laylines there. A new alliance port town has been constructed around the foot of this town where the alliance can rule the eastern coast of Kalimdor with their powerful navy.
This new Dalaran is ruled by the high elves and void elves.
In the depths of the sewers away from the blistering light of the marsh the void elf has built their own civilisation, diving deep into the void arts and a network of portals to dark dimensions and strange worlds feed their dark ways.
Ontop, the High elves live in the grand spires, upholding the powerful staion and gate into the Horde heartlands.
This land see the Ogres and the alliance elves locked in battle.
Thousand needles:
The Horde races do not dare to pass into the needles, as the night elven forces has pushed them back to the barrens and useing the hostile terrain and water as a natrual defence.
How ever, the opening to the sea towards the east has become ha hub for thrill seaking Gnomes and Goblins, showing off and raceing in their strange machines, both at sea and in air.
Tanaris has grown into a large city of outlaws, Cartels and pirates. A great place for neutral trade and dark dealings. ( see mean streets of Gadgetzan)
The deep crater and wild jungle remains unclaimed by any of the sentient races and are still filled with vile dinosaurs and beasts.
Still borked, big sword. big whoop. and the dimond king just keep screaming. CHAMPION! when ever he feels someone entering the zone.
Uldum has secluded itself, few knows what now is going on in the southern tip of the continent.
Kalimdor TL;DR.
The horde has been pushed back from most zones and are now all living around the Barrens Heartland land, with new cities and Traderoutes.
Ogrimmar is destroyed by the night elves lead by Malfurion, but they rebuild it in more of an Old orcish architecture.
The Alliance rules the eastern shore, with magic and ships as they landed Dalaran in the Theramore Crater.
The night elves have now claimed much new land Rebuilding an empire, with new allies of Wild Gods, Emerald Dragons, Ancients, Dryads and Furbolgs.
A grand Army of Nature.
The Draenei are just watching the skies.
Eastern Kingdoms:
Under The Grand Alliance, the kingdoms are doing better than ever. Alas a bit more bit fanatical and filled with distrust and anger towards the horde.
The new scourge united the alliance races on the continent even more, the fear of undead stronger than ever.
But The horde fights with all their might, to hold the little land they they have.
Quel’thalas, Silvermoon and Ghostlands:
The greater Quel’thalas is rebuilt, the Blood elves, cleansed their homelands of all mindless undead.
Eastern and Wenstern Plaguelands:
The lands claimed by the Forsaken as a last refuge after their loss of Lordaeron. The Army of the light led by Turalyon started to clense every undead they found, pushing them up north, with new hatred sparked for the dead after the new scourge rampaged the world there were no mercy shown.
Calia Menathil, The new Marble Queen of the forsaken led them to Stratholm where they would take their last stand. But as soon as the army of the light were at their gates, they turned their gazes south and and withdrew.
The forsaken now rebuilding The Plaguelands under the rule of their new Queen, seeing how the army of the light turned on her, understanding how to be cast aside, forgotten and forsaken, she voews to keep her people safe and will not surrender to anyone.
Trisfal Glades:
The Scarlet Crusade is back, Claiming to have the true heir to the alliance throne, their fanatic rampage turn ut into a feudal state.
Silverpine and Gilneas.
With the help of the Kul’tirian, Gilneas is reclaimed and rebuilt, Gen return to his throne and starts to clean up Lordaeron.
But old habits die hard, outlaws, bandits, assassins, necromancy, thieves and monsters still plague this reforming kingdom.
The Wildhammer dwarves chase the Trolls into the sea, with the might of the alliance backing them, The trolls flee south along the coast.
Alterac Mountains.
Taken over by outlaws of every kind, Goblin cartels, Defias loyalists and all sorts of Sinister folks call this icey mountain their home.
Hillsbrad Foothills and Arathi Highlands:
These lands are made into great farms and towns as humans resettle, used as the breadbasket of the north it is used to feed the armies of man and Dwarf alike.
The Wetlands is under deep alliance controll, a grand human tradeport is built on the coast. giving the rise to great tradeing guilds whom feud over wares, customers and the best routes.
Dun Morogh, Ironforge and Gnomeregan.
Great peace settle in the snowy lands of Dun Morogh, the council of Three hamers make it the true capitol of the dwarves, the city grows and flurish in new found riches. But can this golden age of dwarves last for ever, or do they dig too deep and to greedily?
The Gnomes with the help of their mechanized brothers and sisters retake their home and make it a great place for their strange inovations and tinkering.
Loch Modan:
The dam is rebuilt, so we can all jump from it with glee!
Also A land of peace and trade, dealing with the regular Dwarf problems such as Troggs and what not. Although, strange insectoid creatures and other dark monsters have been seen in the eastern hills.
Twilight Highlands.
The Dwarves here had already suffered losses during the cataclysm, as they faced off with the mighty dragonmaw clan. but the Horde have now pulled out all forces. There is something dark and vile lingering now in the ground of the Highlands, strange creatures, void energies, mountains of flesh and teeth.
Searing Gorge and Burning Steppes.
Now known as the Tushui Steppes and Hammers Gorge has started to grow, The fire elementals calmed after the defeat of Ragnaross.
In Hammers Gorge the Dark iron works away, perfecting their crafts and their dark iron technology, the Gorge becoming the industrial heart of the alliance.
The Tushui steppes were giftend to the alliance Pandaren as their homelands had been lost to dark powers, with patience and serenity the Pandaren made their home in the new steppes.
Redrigde mountains.
Becomes a heavily fortified human zone, the threat of a new aggressive troll empire to the south always lurking in the southern hills.
Stormwind And Elwynn Forest.
The human kingdom is mobolized, watching south with stern eyes, the great human armies patrole and protect their southern boarders.
Murlocs, Gnolls, Kobolts and all sorts of creatures seems always to be an annoyance here, and how come outlaws always seem to want to settle the deadmines.
Has fallen to dark forces, Necromancy, dark magics seems to linger in the woods, sickness and madness wander the woods in the shadows. In the Twilight Grove the night elves have built a garrison, sending out wardens and sentinel to hunt down nightmares.
Swamps of Sorrow. Trolls fought hard and pushed the alliance out, retaken their sinking temples and rebuilding with the aid of the Zandalari Empire.
Taken over by the Trolls,useing their magic to spread their swamps and jungles.
Though they did allow a large force of the Army of the light pass through to the dark portal,
Stranglethorn vale.
The Jungle is made to the new homeland of the Trolls, A new Zandalari empire was built, giant temple cities, and all the riches of zandalar was evacueted as the island sank into the sea.
While rebuilding the Zandalar found the Saurok and took them into their ranks as a warrior slave race, something the Saurok did not mind to much as their lust for battle is never ending.
Booty bay is left alone and grown into a grander cove of tradeing and mischief.
Eastern Kingdom TL;DR
A new alliance empire has arisen, the horde races make a firm stance in their few remaning lands. But the trolls, more fierce than ever carves out a new empire for them selves in the southern jungles.
The sky turned a dark red, the clouds growing black and angry as it came, falling from the sky, The races of pandaria watched in horror as the mountain of flesh, teeth and hatred landed in their blessed vale, an old god. Nyg’goteth the vile fiend called his dark powers opon landing, and made short work of pandaria, infesting the land, wakeing a mantid swarm, spawning more vile monsters to bring an dark age.
All of Pandaria is lost.
The visons came true, over the years, Zandalar sank to the bottom of the sea, Queen Talanji and her trolls setting sail eastwards towards the lands of Stranglethorn, Where in the deep jungles a new troll empire would rise, for trolls… Trolls never die.!
The Broken isle,
Khedgar and the rest of the mages of Dalaran wished to sink the tomb of Sargeras back into the sea, where the vaults could be hidden and the remaining fel energies would be hidden away under water and ruin, but the mages in their hubris try to push the corrupted land into the seafloor, disrupting the core of the world, opening up a greater hole, and the rest of the ise begin to sink, many try to flee the broken isle, some accept their fate.
Not long after the new oldgod landed in pandaria strange things happend at sea, and a foul thick fog devouring fog, the island is now mystery.
The Fate of Outland
Through the dark portal, refugees came fleeing, the broken world withering away at the hand of the void.
The army of the Light sent all their forces to the blasted lands. Along side the mages of the the world with Dalaran.
The alliance led by Khedgar, Jaina and Turalyon.
The Horde led by Thrall, Rommath and Aethas Sunreaver.
The mages of Dalaran and Silvermoon unite to shut down the dark portal fearing the void kreeping through, the army of the light and the earthen ring is there to fight the dark forces and evacuvate the people calling the broken world their home.
Alas, the creeping void devour the world, Many of the civilians have made it through the portal, and that is where Rommath and his Blood elven mages betrays the Alliance forces and Dalaran, syphoning their magical powers making them weak as they escapes through the portal back to Azaroth, Thrall, Jaina, Turalyon, Khadgar, Vidicar, the human mages of Dalaran, trapped on the other side. Their fate in the hand of a world eating void beasts.
In the Blastedlands the blood elven mages are quick to conquer Dalaran, And claim it a part of Quel’thalas. Alleria and Vereesa horrified of the blood elven betrayal send all their standing forces towards the flying city, The Void and high elven forces fight a bloody conflict over the the flying city and after a while manage to force the blood elves to escape back to their homeland.
This is when the High and Void elf claim the city for the alliance, this last horde betrayal was the final straw and they decide to put the preasure on the rest of the horde, Flying Dalaran landing it in the crater of Theramore. Blocking dividing the horde from one another on each continent.
To be be continued? :o