World of Warcraft Post-BlizzCon Q&A

Question: Why the need to screw mages over in dps the instant they get decent after a major rework, just because the top 1% decided to throw a hissy fit?

Mage is a dps class and it deserves to be decent even outside specific premades in the top 1%.

How much are you willing to have hero talents impact classes?
Feel like Mountain Thane is a bit dwarf focused, maybe something like gladiator or something would be cool? Polearm and shield dps?

Battle-mage, sword and spellcasting for mage maybe?

Are druids flight form gonna be eligible to use for the dynamic flying?

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Is there more QoL changes is planned for M+ pugging? Current M+ grouping is very outdated.

This question is related to pvp.
So i was wondering if there is gonna be more bg’s over the course of season(s) and if so will we see 40 man 40 battlegrounds again as well?

So, is this the place to ask questions? Anyway, here are mine:

  • Hero Talents are great in concept, but what was shown looks a little bland. Can we expect more visual distinction between characters based on what Hero Talent choice they’ve made?

  • There hasn’t been any mention of new character customisation coming in War Within. This is a very popular feature among players; is there anything coming? For example, more options for Void Elves to reflect Alleria’s changes.

  • When will we see a Dragonflight roadmap for 2024? Right now, all we know is 10.2 is coming in a few days.

no it’s here:


With Dragonflight you lifted faction restrictions, being able to raid, m+ etc with friends cross faction. Have you considered lifting more of the restrictions when it comes to queued content?

Also, with Season of Discovery will there be a barber shop please? :slight_smile:

Will dracthyr be getting more classes in The War Within?

Any plans on outdoor timewalking ?

PvP systems overhaul (rewards structure)

How long will the 3 expansions last ,like usual 2 years cycle?

Any plans to upgrade ground mounts like dragonriding?

Will there be physicall collectors edition of The War Within?

Are any more changes being made to levelling other than level cap increase?

We are all in the wrong thread. The correct one is here:

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When will u remove mythic lockout?


So will the early access for TWW be bnet wide or do I have to buy the epic edition for every single WoW account within bnet? I really hope it is bnet wide, otherwise, this would mean that in order to have the 3-day early access on all of my wow accounts, I would have also to re-buy the bnet wide perks, that I have already obtained with the first purchase of the epic edition (mount, transmog, pet, hearthstone…)

Are there any plans to make mythic raid more flexible (10-20 players) once the hall of fame is filled to help with roster management?

Answer as many as you can? Really? Because you can answer all of them. But you are probably Just gonna pick out some easy ones and pretend Like you dont have time to answer more so it looks like you kinda cared.
So please my one question is, are you really going to answer as many as you can or just some that you want to?

Will visage form combat dracthyrs ever be a thing? I wanna have dragon magic and look like half-dragon doing so.

Will we be able to play with our alts in new ai controlled group content that you guys and girls are working on? this would be cool.

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